Chapter 27

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Hearing Lisa sharing about her upcoming solo to him back at the beach a few days ago, Jungkook knew how it pained the other about the cancellation of her first solo.

But Jungkook wanted to know.... Why?

Why it has to be her most awaited solo to be cancelled? Can't they have another punishment to give to her? Like not participating in their activities for a week? Because cancelling her solo is too much if you ask him.

She's excited about it. She waited for long to finally have it. And now, it's cancelled.

So why?

Jungkook pursed his lips as he tightens his hold to her. "Did they know? " He paused for a second. "About us? "

Maybe they came up with that punishment because they found out about their relationship? Because Lisa revealed their relationship to her management? That's the only reason Jungkook can come up with as to why they suddenly decided to cancel her solo.

If it's him, if he's on her shoe, Jungkook would have probably left the company already. Being a trainee for how many years only to have counted comebacks and songs when debuted, it's obvious that the entertainment is.... Not great.

If only bighit still debuts girl group or a female soloist, then Jungkook would've done something before when they're still not debuted that will lead being a bighit artists. But sadly, Bighit don't accept and will never debut female groups anymore after what happened to 'Glam'.

Jungkook was brought back from his thoughts when Lisa shook her head, eyes going crystal from the tears that's threatening to fall from her doe eyes. "I didn't tell them" She answered, voice quivering.

Then... Why?

Jungkook didn't say anything and Lisa took that as a sign to continue talking. "They asked me about it, about what's up with us and I" She took a deep breath. "I remained silent. I revealed nothing because I'm afraid of what will happen if I did"

That's true. Back when Lisa was in that room, with executives inside asking her questions or more like pressuring her to talk about what's up with her and Jungkook, she didn't utter a word. She remained silent even when the executive threatens her about not participating with the group's upcoming activities and schedules, she remained silent.

"It's okay, it's okay" Jungkook whispered, rubbing circles to her waist. "Everything's going to be alright" He tried to assure her. "I'm sure they'll give back your solo—"

Lisa interrupted him. "I'm not sure." She shakes her head. "Pdnim said I can't have a solo when I'm facing an issue, when our group are receiving high amount of hates from the fans. "

Maybe, maybe what Lisa said pushed Jungkook to set a decision.

That night, they stayed like that in the living room for how many hours. Jungkook had to carry Lisa to their room as the poor girl eventually slept in his arms, and tucked her under the comforter before he took a half bath and slept right beside his wife, pulling her closer and hugged her tightly.

The next morning, Lisa already left at dawn as she was expected to not leave their dorm while Jungkook woke up around six, finding a note on Lisa's favorite pillow, informing him about her leaving to their dorm.

The ravenette took a bath before he gone off in the bighit building. A heavy feeling sitting on his chest as he made his way towards the CEO's office.

He knocked twice before hearing the faint voice of their CEO, telling him to come in which he did. He closed the door behind him softly and walked in front of the middle-aged man's desk.

"If I agree about Baek pdnim's suggestion, would it solve the issue? "

The CEO nodded. "It certainly will"

"Then I'm on it, pdnim. "


"Lali, are you really okay there? " Jennie asked, peeking on Lisa who's busy washing her mouth.

"Hmm" The younger replied, nodding her head only to regret it afterwards as a wave of nausea hits her like a truck.

"Are you sure? " Jennie seemed not believing her answer as instead of leaving and closing the door of the bathroom, she stepped inside and caress Lisa's back. "Do you want to see a doctor? "

The latter immediately shook her head, disagreeing on the other's suggestion. "I'm fine, really. I just cried really hard last night, that's why"

That is not a lie since before Jungkook's arrival on their house last night, Lisa already cried a lot. So maybe it's the reason why she's feeling sick since she woke up earlier.

Or maybe it's the reason why she was in need of vomiting? Because she has been feeling unwell since the other day.

The look from Jennie's eyes, it's clear that she's doubting her answer but when Lisa gave her a reassuring smile, she sighed. "Fine. Just messaged me when you need something. I need to go"

The girl smiled. "I will"

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