Chapter 33

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Lisa could see the guilt mixed with something else through his eyes the entire show. Something else that her eyes reflect the entire time.

Pain. But why?

The show came to an end with Lisa avoiding Jungkook's gaze. Because at that time, she wanted nothing but to leave on the venue and just go home.

So he was distant because he has someone else?

Lisa didn't want you think negatively but her insecurities are eating her. Clearly, she's not enough, and people would never accept her to be Jungkook's partner.

As soon as the show ended, Lisa immediately excused herself, telling that she'll just go to a restroom and after that, she'll go straight to the van that's currently waiting for them outside. Her members agreed and told her to be quick while Jennie looked at her worriedly.

"Lisa, you know, you can—" Though before Jennie could even tell the younger whatever she will tell, the younger interrupted her.

"I'm fine unnie. I just really need to go to restroom. You can go first"

Jennie pursed her lips. "What I meant was I also need to use comfort room"

Lisa faint a smile as she nodded herself and both of them asked the staff where the restroom is which the staff ended up guiding them to the said area.

Once the two were done, both of them goes to the parking lot and immediately saw the van they rode earlier. They went inside and the van left the venue on instant.

Lisa sighed as she closed her eyes, suddenly feeling dizzy at the moment. She bit her lips, heart clenching from the news she found out today.

So that's it. That's the reason why the issue suddenly died down and her management bringing back her solo as if nothing happened. It's because it was announced that Jungkook is dating someone else. Someone that is not her.

"You okay Lisa? " Chaeyoung asked upon noticing the distress on her face.

Lisa opened her eyes and looked at her bandmate. "Yeah, just tired. "

That... Is not a lie and not the complete truth either. Yes, she's tired. Physically. She felt like she's about to collapse at any second. And her mind, the negative thoughts just don't leave her kind. Her insecurities are talking to her, mocking her and she just want to sleep to block them.

What if Jungkook'a feeling... already fade away?

Eunbi is beautiful, cute and anything. Her body proportion is perfect. She's perfect. They look perfect...

Lisa's train of thoughts got interrupted when the van stopped just right in their dorm. They all said their goodbye to their manager who was the one who drive them before entering their dorm.

Lisa immediately walked to her room and instantly changed her clothes into a comfortable one then removed her make up before she plopped herself down on her bed.

Her eyes watered and stray tears started rolling down her cheeks. It's just that it's a lot to take in. And the fact that she's overwhelmed with lots of feelings didn't helped at all.

She bit her lips and immediately dried the years when she heard a soft knock on her door. After preparing herself, she told the person to come in. And that person turned out to be Jennie.

The said idol walked to the bed after closing the door behind her. She sat just beside Lisa.
"How are you feeling? "

Jennie knew it's the most stupidest question knowing the situation of their maknae but she still asked.

"Good" The younger lied then silence followed afterwards as Jennie didn't know what you say or to ask at that moment.

Though after a few minutes, a question crosses her mind. So she asked.

"Are you still going to tell him? " Don't get her wrong. She is also disappointed to Jungkook but after talking to Tae over the phone, she understands. Though, that didn't lessen the urge of slapping some senses to the ravenette.

Originally, she called Taehyung, telling him to give the damn phone to Jungkook but the other said that he already leave the building. So she asked him if he knew something and after lots of persuading, Taehyung gave in and spilled the tea.

"I don't know. Maybe not now, maybe it's not the right time" Lisa answered after a long silence. Jennie's question just really caught her off guard.

Jennie nodded her head, understanding where Lisa is coming from. Even though she wanted to tell what Taehyung told her, she can't. Because first, it's not her place and second, Taehyung pleaded her not to. So after encouraging Lisa and assuring her that whatever her decision is, that she'll always support her, Jennie left the room; leaving the younger alone. Again.

Though, before Lisa could even fell into her thoughts again, her phone lit up as it started vibrating, earning her attention. She reached for the device and contemplated for a second whether to answer it or not. But in the end, she swiped it and placed the device on her ear.

"Hey baby"

She stayed silent, not bothering to utter a reply.

"Can we talk? Please? I'll explain everything, it's not what does it looks like I swear baby. I'll explain everything"

"I thought you guys are busy? Tight schedule, remember? " Lisa didn't mean to sound mad, she's just caught up with her emotions that she can't help it.

"Yeah, I just talked to manager hyung asking to lessen our schedule tomorrow"

"Why now then? Why do you want to explain now when you had the chance before? " Must be the emotions fucking up with her system. "Ahh, because I just found out, wasn't it? "

"No, it isn't like tha—"

"Then tell me why now! "

The other side went silent and that fuels Lisa's frustration even more. So she opened her months and was about to talk but Jungkook beat her first.

"We were busy"

"We're busy too! "

Clearly, this isn't something that should be discussed through phone. And both of them knew that. Aware of that.

"Where are you? I'll fetch you"

Lisa's gaze immediately landed on the clock across the room. "Dorm" She answered lowly, and this time, calmer than before.

"Okay. Wait for me, I love you"

Lisa just hummed and ended the call before readying herself.

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