Chapter 29

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"Here, take this. " Jennie whispered as soon as she finally and carefully shove her bandmate inside the building's restroom, whilst handing her a little plastic bag.

Lisa accepted it with confusion. "What is this? "

Jennie went in every cubicle, checking if there's a staff or people occupying one. And when she's certain that they're the only people inside, she faced the younger who's looking at her in utter confusion.

"Pregnancy test" The older answered in lower tone causing Lisa's doe eyes widen.

After their talk last night, Jennie considered buying one for her bandmate. Not actually her who bought the thing as she asked a close friend of her to buy it, reasoning that one of the 'staffs' needs it when in reality, Lisa will be the one to use it.

The latter immediately shakes her head as she put the plastic on the sink. "I can't" She replied, now growing anxious.

"What? Why? " The older asked.

"What if I am? What if the result came positive? What if I'm really pregnant? "

Now, just thinking about, she can't help but to feel afraid. Afraid what will come if she's really, indeed, pregnant.

She bit her lips as her breaths goes heavy, as if she's having a difficult time breathing. And that alarmed Jennie.

"Hey hey Lisa, calm down. Everything's fine" She tries to assure the younger. "If the result is positive.. " She paused for a split second. "Then congrats, you're going to be a mom now. And don't worry about our career, we'll do great. Everything will be alright"

Jennie is bad at comforting her members, especially in this kind of situation. But she's trying her best, she just hopes that what she said helped the other.

After a few minutes of Jennie, comforting Lisa and assuring her that everything's gonna be alright, Lisa finally took the plastic and walked on one of the cubicles to take the pregnancy test. Jennie waited patiently outside.

To be honest, Jennie wanted to scold Lisa and Jungkook for being careless though she can't. Not when Lisa needed someone to lean on beside Jungkook.

It took a few minutes before Lisa walked out of the cubicle. "Unnie"

Before Jennie could even answer, the younger practically threw herself to the older, seeking for comfort. Her shoulders moving, a sign that the other is crying. And Jennie knew what's the result, at that moment.

"Unnie, i-it's positive"

Jennie let Lisa cry on her arms. They doesn't have a schedule for today aside from practicing. So Jennie let Lisa have a breakdown on the restroom, on her arms.

Once Lisa seemed okay, they both exited the restroom. They were planning to go home at that moment and not attend the afternoon practice. That was their plan, not until they encountered one of the executive whilst they're on their way out of the building.

"Lisa-ssi" The man said, causing both girls to stop on walking and greet the said executive. The said executive only gave them a nod. "Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be shooting for you solo? "

Lisa glanced at Jennie who is standing beside her, also wearing this confused expression. Well, who wouldn't?

Lisa forced a smile. "I'm sorry pdnim, but wasn't it already cancelled? "

"Yeah, it was. But the issue was now resolved, didn't it? So we don't see the point of it still being cancelled. "

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