Chapter 25

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"Second article broke out, and I want to ask you what's really up between you and the member of Blackpink, Lisa? "

"What? " Was the first thing that left Jungkook's mouth as soon as Namjoon dropped the main issue that they will be discussed at the moment. Though, the leader, along with the other members, remains silent, confusion is well written on their faces whilst anticipating to what the younger will about to answer.

"We're acquaintance. " Jungkook forced to let out, upon feeling the building pressure by the eyes of his members. Though, he tried his best to act casual and to sound casual.

"Are you sure? " Namjoon questioned. "I need you to be really honest here, Jungkookie. Because you lying won't do anything good"

The ravenette's jaw clenched, hands turning cold. He opened his mouth to utter an another lie but Yoongi spoke first.

"What's happening, Namjoon? Can you explain because we all are confused here and don't pressure Jungkook, it also won't do anything good. " The pale man said, with the others agreeing to what the second oldest had said.

Namjoon bit his lips, running his hand through his hair. "Manager nim called earlier, and he informed me about the new article that was released a while ago"

"Article? " Taehyung asked, glancinh at their youngest member who's staring blankly on the floor. "What article? What does it have to do with Jungkook? "

"Because the article was pointing to Jungkook. " The leader then looked at their maknae who's still staring at the floor with no expression. "And it's an article claiming that what Jungkook and Lisa have is more than an acquaintance—"

"Even more so" Yoongi immediately interrupted, clearly annoyed with the fact that his most interesting moment of his life have been disturbed just to discuss a topic that has been discussed with their management. "They don't have a proof about that so don't make this as if it's a big deal"

It's clear as crystal that Yoongi is trying to protect his dongsaeng. Not just because what Jungkook had with the other is personal matter and neither of them have a say about it and they don't have a right to forced their maknae to reveal something they aren't part of since the ravenette never interfere with their personal lives, it's also because he wanted to go back to his bed and sleep.

"That's where you're wrong, hyung" The leader retorted, clearly didn't like what the oldest just said. "There are photos of Jungkook and Lisa in intimacy" He paused. "They have proof" And with that he placed a rectangular device on the glass table that serves as a coffee table in the living room of their dorm.

Yoongi immediately reached for the device and looked at the screen, scrolling it a few times, eyes going wide from the photos on the web page. Soon, the other joined the pale man on looking at the little device, eyes going wide in surprise.

Meanwhile the ravenette didn't left his seat just like what the others did just to look at what's in the screen. He didn't even dare to remove his gaze on the floor as his mind was busy thinking about the possibility outcome of every choice he has.

"Damn Jungkook"

"I didn't know that two of you are really a thing"

"You and Lisa of Blackpink"

"Our maknae's grown man now"

Then the living room filled with voices.

If the world will know about his relationship with Lisa, then he at least tell his hyungs first before the world. Besides, they've been there by his side and never left him. They took care of him and practically raised him so at least, he should let them know first before the world find out.

So with that thought and a clear decision, Jungkook took a deep breath. "Yes, we're joy just acquaintance" He spoke, causing the room to fell in utter silence. He moved his eyes up and gazed at his hyungs who's looking at him with wide eyes.

"Don't tell me, you two are playmate" This time, it was Hoseok who asked causing Yoongi to smack the back of his neck, all the while glaring at the sunshine of the group.

Drowsiness is now long gone with their faces and that was evident by how they look at their youngest member, waiting for what he'll about to say next.

"Jungkook" Taehyung said in a rather warn tone than a casual one but the said man just gave him a nod and a faint smile.

"We're not acquaintance because we're" He paused, inhaling deeply before dropping the bomb. "We're married. For five years now"


When Namjoon said about solution, he really thought that they can sort the and think of a solution in regards of the issue.

But the sudden confession of Jungkook, telling them that he's not just dating the girl but they're already married, is just on another level.

But the main question that's on their head is that, why they didn't know?

And so Jungkook had a story telling about how he met Lisa, his family and about the business partnership that builds their marriage. He also stated that he is in love with Lisa and that there is no need for divorce, just like what Taehyung's suggestion when he found out about them being committed to one another and being one in the eyes of God.

And now, the internet is in uproar from the news. Jungkook was summoned in the CEO's office early in the morning to discuss about what's happening. He of course heard a acolding to their CEO who's a legit mad from what's happening, but on the other side, the CEO is also worried about his artist.

Jungkook explained himself, and asked for the CEO to not inform the other company where Lisa is working, which he agreed as he saw the desperation on the idol's eyes.

So it was decided that they will stay silent and if the issue didn't died down even a bit this week, then they don't have much of a choice but to cancel his mixtape and also to move their comeback by the end of the year.

Jungkook was unsure at first, because if that's the case, if their comeback will be moved and his mixtape will be cancelled, then that means their career will be at risk. Not only his but theirs. Members involved.

And Lisa.... He just hope her company won't do anything stupid to her.

But through the meeting, an executive who's present in the little meeting they're having, which is also the one leading the disciplinary action, suddenly came up with an idea which Jungkook would never dare to follow.

Because he just didn't like the idea, he hated it.

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