Chapter 28

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"Are you sure you're okay? You look pale" Jisoo asked, handing their maknae a bottle of water whilst looking at her with worried eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Lisa answered for the nth time today as she opened the bottle with her hands. "Really, I'm fine unnie" She added and gave her a reassuring smile when the other gave her a hesitant look.

"You should've at least stayed on the dorm if you're not feeling well" Rosé butted as she turned off the music and made her way towards the two.

"I'm really okay, I swear" Lisa lied. Truth is, she didn't know what's up with her body being unwell and let's not forget about the morning sickness she always encounter these past few days. And there is no way she'd stay in their dorm to rest when her career is at risk.

She can't stay in their dorm doing nothing while her bandmates are working their ass off. Because if that's the case, Lisa conclude that the executives won't like it and might as well kick her out of the group. Basing on what they did to her solo, that thought isn't impossible.

"So let's start again? " The two gave her a hesitant look but agreed afterwards.

The practice went on and even Lisa wanted to collapse, she pushed herseld. Especially when their manager went inside along with Jennie who probably done with her photoshoot and joined them, and two executives. Probably to report the higher ups when they're up to.

After the long practice, they all head back to their dorm. Lisa immediately went to her room and changed her clothes into a comfortable one before she laid down the bed.

She closed her eyes, feeling more sick than earlier. She sighed and bit her lips, wanting to cry but she didn't do so.

And the fact that Jungkook seemed a bit distant lately isn't helping. In fact, it's making it worse.

Well, Lisa understand him. Because they're hot in the eyes of media, in the eyes of their management—or more like her management, so she totally understand him. He's doing it for the sake of their career, he is doing it for them to not find out what's really up between them, and as much as it hurts, she understand his action. Since that night when they last met, Jungkook barely text her and up until now never calls her.

Lisa bit her lips as she rolled to the side of her bed. Though, she immediately regretted that action when she felt dizzier than before.

Really, what's going on her body?

She's healthy, she's fit and she's following her diet schedule that a professional gave them so what's up with her body? Why does it acts different so suddenly?

Lisa's train of thoughts got interrupted when she heard soft knocks on the door. She sat down carefully and leaned her back on the head rest of the bed and told the person to come in.

"Lisa" It was Jennie who are holding a tray with a bowl on top of it.

The girl entered the room and closed the door behind her and walked towards the bed where Lisa is at. She placed the tray on the side table. "Are you okay? "

As much as Lisa appreciate them for being worried for her, they're actually going to her nerves. Since this morning, actually since the other day, they've been asking if she's okay or she's fine if she's feeling sick or she's not feeling well. It's really starting to annoy Lisa.

But despite that, she smiled and nodded her head only to regret it afterwards. She bit her lips. "Yeah I'm fine. "

Jennie stared at her for a minute then sigh. "You know Lisa, you can tell me what you really feel. I'm tired of that same answer you always say whenever I ask you what's up" Truth to be told, she don't buy her lies.

Upon hearing what the other said, Lisa sighed and ran her hand through her hair, an attempt to push them away from her face including her bangs. "I honestly don't know. I felt really sick these past few days unnie. I felt nauseous and I'm... Everytime I wake I felt like emptying my stomach and it's making me restless" She bit her lips, feeling emotional so suddenly

"Yeah, that one is obvious. " The older stated, remembering the day when she saw Lisa on sink throwing up. She reached for the bowl of soup and gave it to the younger. "Finish this up, I'll just get a medicine " She then stood up and walked towards the door when Lisa gave her a nod. Though, before she could even reach the door, she stopped on her tracks when she realized something.

She's not... She's not pregnant right?

Jennie immediately turned around and walked back to the bed. This time, feeling anxious. "Lali"

The younger looked at her. "Hmm? "

"Are you pregnant? "

Lisa froze from the sudden question. Her breath hitching, palms going cold and wet so he gently out back the bowl to the side table and then faced her bandmate.

Realization dawned her. She's not that stupid and uneducated to not know the symptoms of being pregnant.

But... How?

She and Jungkook never did it without protection or if they do, she always makes sure that she's on birth control.

So how?

The first time they did it this year was when they went to Paris for their 'honeymoon' and Lisa was certain she's on birth control... Before they flew to Paris, she was planning to go to clinic to have birth control shot—


Right. They had a fucking urgent meeting that day so she just decided to just take a pill when they're in France—which she didn't since she thought she had depo—


"Unnie" Nervousness is laced on her voice and sweats forming on her forehead. "I-i... I don't know"

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