Chapter 23

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The next morning, Jungkook dropped Lisa to their dorm then he drove towards their house to change his clothes before going into the bighit, only to be called by the CEO himself.

He's on good mood, well who wouldn't if the first thing you'd see in the morning is the smiling face of the person you love? Hearing her sweet voice, greeting you a good morning? And not to mention about the good morning kiss! Damn, Jungkook can't help but to smile widely whilst walking towards the CEO's office with their manager on his side, walking with a serious expression.

And just by looking at him, the male idol didn't know what to expect. It's just the older man giving him mixed ideas which he couldn't pin point even one of them.

Once they arrived in the office, the ravenette's gaze immediately fell on the man who's wearing a glasses, eyes fixed on the desktop on his L-shaped desk.

"Good morning pdnim" Their manager spoke, making Jungkook to also greet the middle aged man, bowing as he did so.

Being a clueless one, Jungkook just followed what their manager motioned him to do, and that is to sit down.

"I don't know if you're already aware of it, but still, I'll tell you" The CEO started, removing his glasses and out it on the desk.

The male idol glanced at their manager who's just sitting silently across him. And NY the looks of it, it seems like he already knows what will be discussed today.

The other members are on the practice room, practicing for the comeback and so Jungkook conclude that the topic will be his mixtape, or anything that only him being involved because clearly, the others aren't summoned in the office. Not even Namjoon.

"An article broke out the internet last night. "

Or maybe it's not about the mixtape.

Jungkook suddenly felt nervous. It's like a wave, hitting him that makes his knees tremble. What the CEO had just spoke few words and it seems like it is not a good news.

An article.

He just hopes that it's not about his status, his relationship with the other idol.

"It was stated there about you dating this idol for a very long time now, it's the same description we have received before, about you and this certain artist under Yg entertainment" Bang pd then clicked something on the desktop and an article suddenly appears on the screen. "The same pictures we received were also here " He scrolled down the article, revealing numerous pictures of him and a female idol.


It feels like air had escaped Jungkook's whole being. His bambi eyes going wide, too wide to be exact, as he trailed the pictures with his eyes.

"But pdnim, we're just acquaintance—"

"We know, Jungkook-ssi. We know. That's why the release date of your mixtape will be moved forward. " The CEO interrupted. "And we just released a statement a while ago regarding with that issue. We denied the accusation and we stated about the collaboration of you and the idol you were being accused with, in your mixtape"

Truth to be told, Jungkook didn't know what to feel at the moment. Especially from what his last words and the CEO's last words.

He didn't mean to deny Lisa in their company, and to the world. It's just that he doesn't have a choice. It's either that option or they'll both go down, knowing their fans don't really ship them.

After the talk, Jungkook left the office alone as the manager said he has something to discuss with the CEO about the complications of their schedules. So the ravenette walked back on the lobby and to the canteen to get himself a cup of coffee before he goes where the practice room is.

He also gave a quick messaged to Lisa about the issue but up until now, the girl haven't replied. Probably busy with her upcoming solo. Or maybe she's still up discussing with her management on how to address the issue.

While his on his way towards the practice room, Jungkook searched for the statement bighit released. And just like what the CEO had told him, the accusation between him and Lisa were denied and it is also stated there about his collaboration with Lisa on his mixtape that will be released by the end of the month.

The comments under was mostly armys, telling that it's a relief that they're not dating. Saying that he should focus on his career first before the others and so on. He even saw a comment about who he should date and sadly, Lisa's name wasn't there. But as if those can change the fact that he's already married with her, the prettiest woman alive.

"Oh Jungkook! " Namjoon, who's being beaten by Jimin with a plushie, called their maknae as soon as Jungkook entered the wide room. "Bang pd wanted to talk to you"

"We already talked hyung" The youngest answered before sipping on his black coffee.

"Really? " This time, it was Hoseok who spoke, phone in hand while looking at their new arrived member. "What did he say? "

The ravenette goes to the long couch that was placed on the corner and then dropped his bag and removed his jacket before he answered. "We just discussed things about the issue"

Automatically, his gaze landed on Yoongi who's also looking at him through the mirror.

"Issue? What issue? " It was Jimin who hy now stopped hitting their poor leader.

"It's just a misunderstanding, really. It was the one with my mixtape" He answered, trying his best to sound casual for his other members who are still oblivious about his secret, to not be suspicious.

It's better if only few people knows, it can be bad if all of the are aware. And Jungkook wanted to keep it that way.

"Oh, your collaboration with Miss Lalisa? " Jungkook didn't know if he'll feel offended with what Taehyung said, especially that he looks like on up to teasing him by emphasising the 'Miss' on his sentence. Jungkook gave him a secret playful glare before answering


Few minutes had passed and Jungkook already emptied his cup of coffee, as if on cue, their choreographer walked in then clapped his hand, indicating that the practice will begin.

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