Chapter 15

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Jungkook didn't know why he's nervous. Maybe because of the tone that Bang pd used when he summoned him on the building? As if that he was guilty on something he didn't know?

After the the CEO told him that, the call immediately ended, leaving the idol confused and nervous. He told Lisa that he was needed in the company and that he'll be right back so she shouldn't wait for him.

Lisa, of course, having no choice, he let his husband go, though her guts are saying that something is off. That something is wrong.

So Jungkook went back to the building, thinking what could possibly be that his presence were needed on the company building.

Did he do something?

Did he break any rules that was meant for them to follow?

But the CEO said that it was the second time this year, what does he mean by that?

Jungkook bit his lips as he parked his car on the parking lot before he instantly get out of his car and entered the building. He rode the lift towards the floor of the office of the CEO but the elevator stopped on a certain floor, causing him to stand straight and takes a step on the corner knowing that it must be staffs who'll join the lift.

Though, he was surprised when the ravenette saw one of his member entered the elevator.

"Yoongi hyung? " He asked confusedly whilst looking at the shortee pale man. "I thought you were with the members who already at the dorm? "

Hearing this, Yoongi shrugged his shoulder as he pressed his floor. "No, I needed to finished this track so I can finally give to Bang pd. " He answered and looked at the younger. "You? What are you still doing here? "

By his member's question, Jungkook can't help but to get nervous again as he was reminded of why he's at the building and will have a meeting with the CEO.

"I don't know hyung. Pdnim called me and asked my presence here"

Yoongi just hummed from what the younger had said and silence filled the little space they're in.

After a few seconds, the door opened after having a sound and both of them walked out from the lift and made their way to the office of the CEO.

They knocked multiple times before they entered after hearing a faint sound that comes inside.

Yoongi, who walked first, handed the flash drive to the CEO before he mouthed to the younger that he'll just wait for him outside. Jungkook nodded his head causing the older to oat his shoulder multiple times and exited the room.

The ravenette stood their nervously and awkwardly. There's this tension when you come face to face with the man, alone in a room. His office to be specific.

"So" Bang pd started while clasping his hand, looking at the idol standing in front of his desk. "We received an email about you"

About me?

"What email, pdnim? " Jungkook asked, hoping that it wasn't about something that Lisa is involve.

"It was a picture of you with a woman. " The CEO started and turned the laptop around so it would face Jungkook's direction. "Not just an ordinary woman but also an idol."

Jungkook caught his breath as a big luno formed in his throat, preventing him to talk as his eyes glued on the screen. It was pictures. Lots of pictures with different places and Jungkook is well aware when and where the pictures were taken.

"Now, Jungkook. What is your relationship with Lisa Manoban? "



By now, it seems that Jungkook's mind goes blank, unable for him to think properly. His hands started shaking as bullet of sweats started rolling down from his forehead. And so suddenly, the room grew hot yet cold.

If their company is aware of this, then the person who sent this to BIGHIT probably already sent it to... FUCK!

Jungkook's breath goes heavy and fast, it's almost as if he can't breath. He felt suffocated at the moment and the way their CEO is looking at him, pressuring him to talk doesn't help at all.

"I'm asking again, Jungkook. What is your relationship with one of the members of Blackpink? "

"I-i... " Jungkook couldn't say it. He can't say it. If he utter a word, a single word, everything can go upside down. His career, his relationship with his wife, the fans.... And also what about Lisa?

The idol didn't expect this. He wasn't expecting this. He have no idea that some paparazzi shit were tailing them, capturing their date outside the Seoul. He's just thankful enough that there's no picture that was taken in Paris or else, it's over. It's done.

"I know that you're not already under the dating ban, Jeon. But at least you should have been more careful. " The CEO spoke with a tone, as if scolding a kid causing Jungkook to look down. "Now tell me, what is your relationship with this idol? "

The ravenette pursed his lips as he closed his eyes. If only he knew that this would happen, then he should've ready himself. He should've prepare himself, prepare his answer because now, his mind is not functioning well. It's as if it's frozen and no matter how he try to think of anything that won't lead him confessing about his real relationship with the other idol, it's still not helping.

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something only to be cut off as the door opened. "Jungkook, tell pdnim the truth".

It was Yoongi. He was staring at the ravenette with knowing eyes.

" Hyung! " Jungkook felt like he was betrayed. Yoongi wanted him to tell to their CEO about him being married to Lisa? Did he not know what mess that fact alone can create? It can be the cause of their downfall, and what about Lisa? Her solo is coming and having a scandal or issue like this can prevent that in happening.

The vocalist glared at the rapper who didn't budge from the look that the younger is throwing him.

"What truth? " Bang pd asked, looking in between the man standing at the door and to the idol in front of his desk.

"Sorry, Kook-"

"Hyung don't! "

"Jungkook and Lisa are composing a song for their collaboration in Jungkook's mixtape"

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