Chapter 26

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Jungkook vowed right on their wedding day that he will never leave his partner's side no matter what's circumstance they're in, whether if it's up or down or just in the average level. He promised her that, and he's not planning to break that promise anytime soon.

Just like where they're currently in, hot in the eyes of media. Two days had passed since the second article broke out the internet and the issue seems like it won't die down anytime soon. In fact, it seems like their silence fuels the fan's rage.

It's also been two days since Jungkook last saw Lisa since the latter wasn't allowed to go out of their dorm. Though, they do talk through the phone.

And today, Lisa informed him that she'll be finally have a talk with her management, to discuss about the issue. And by hearing her voice, it seems like Lisa was also nervous just like what Jungkook feels at the moment. They don't have something to cover up about the photos that was revealed to the public.

Jungkook has seen all of the pictures and he's at least relieved that the picture was just them making out, in the car, on the parking lot, even on the beach where Jungkook had taken her to apologize for what he did. And seeing them made him realize that they indeed weren't careful just like what Yoongi had said to him when the man accidentally found out about them being a married couple.

Now, his members knew about his secret and he didn't have to hide it to his hyungs, and fortunately for him, they're quiet. They're acting as if nothing happened, as if their career wasn't at risk. And Jungkook really appreciates that.

And about Lisa, she said that she haven't tell the other members. Even when Jungkook told her she can tell them so it'll be fair for the both of them but Lisa said she wasn't ready to inform her other members, which he totally understand.

"You okay? " Jungkook's train of thoughts got interrupted by one of his hyung who tapped his shoulder.

The ravenette tears his gaze from the floor and looked at Jin who sat beside him.

"You've been quiet since the Run episode" The older said, referring to the shoot they did earlier. The maknae sighed causing Jin to continue his talking. "You know, armys wouldn't like to see you this stressed. So I advice you to stay cool like your handsome hyung" He said followed by a windshield laugh causing the ravenette to smile.

His hyung is really hilarious.

"But kidding aside, true armys will stay so don't stress yourself"

That is not a lie. True fans will remain and will still support you no matter what happen. No matter what issue came about their idol dating someone wouldn't be a hindrance or will never be enough for them to stop supporting their idols. Those are the true fans. And now, that they're facing a dating issue, specifically Jungkook, this is the right time to see who are the true fans and who are not.

The ravenette sighed again as he unlocked his phone, hoping to see a message for the other but just like earlier, there's still none.

Two hours had already passed and Lisa still don't message him, and that only means one thing. And that is she's still having a meeting with her management, and that scares Jungkook.

Why the meeting's taking too long?

Two hours and twenty minutes. Fck!

What if Lisa said the truth to them and they forced them apart?

Or what if she gets into a serious punishment for bringing issue to their group?

Fuck, what if they kick her out of the group and cover it by Lisa resigning to their company just like what other companies do when they kick their artist out of their management? And then banned her afterwards so no one would accept her?

Jungkook needed to stop over thinking things.

The rest of the day went just like the usual. With of course, Jungkook, checking his phone from time to time.

They did a photoshoot for their comeback photo teaser in case it won't be moved, and then goes back to the practice room to continue practicing.

It was around seven on the evening and Jungkook was still at the bighit building, on his own studio when his phone suddenly rang.

And Jungkook haven't answered a phone that fast until now when he saw the caller ID.

"Baby" Was his first word as soon as he answered the call.

"Hey" The female idol replied. "I'm sorry for calling you late"

Jungkook sighed, hearing her calming voice. "It's okay. Where are you? "

"I just arrived in our house"

Hearing what Lisa said, the ravenette immediately switched off his desktop and fixed his things before leaving his studio with his phone pressed against her cheek. "I'm coming home, wait for me"

When Lisa replied, Jungkook his her goodbye before ending the call and made his way towards his parking lot.

The other members already left the building, except for the producer line of the group. Jungkook climbed inside his car and drove towards their house. It only took a few minutes before he parked his car outside and then entered the house.

His eyes immediately scanned the living room where he found a figure sitting on the couch while silently watching tv. A smile immediately formed in his lips, finding her position cute.

Jungkook removed his jacket before making her way towards behind her and kissed her cheeks without a warning, startling the girl who's too immersed watching the tv.

"Oh you're here" Lisa said but Jungkook didn't payed attention to what she said.

"Have you been crying? " Was his first question upon noticing her pink cheeks, shiny nose and a bit swollen eyes. He walked around the couch and sat beside her.

"What? No. " Jungkook refused to believe her so he stayed silent, though he brings his hand to cup her cheeks, gently caressing her face cheeks with his thumb. "Fine, I just cried a bit"

"Why? " The ravenette have an idea why but he still asked.

When Lisa remained silent but tears started to gather on her eyes, Jungkook immediately hushed her, pulling her in his embrace while whispering sweet words. And by this, Jungkook knew something happened in the meeting she had with their management.

They stayed like that, the movie Lisa was watching was long forgotten now as their focused were directed to each other.

"It's okay" Jungkook whispered, shifting a little and made Lisa sit on his lap as they hug each other.

After a while, Lisa leaned back and rested her head on his chest, Jungkook started playing with her soft locks.

"They cancelled my solo"

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