Chapter 16

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Jungkook gazed to his hyung who didn't leave his eyes on their CEO who's brow furrowed from the sudden news he received from one of his artists.

Bang pd looked at the raven haired idol then back to the rapper then to the idol who's now looking down the floor.

"Is that true, Jungkook-ssi? " His voice is void of ay emotion and Jungkook knew he fucked up. Though, not that fucked up knowing that he still have the chance to cover up his secret with the other idol but still, he fucked up just by hearing the tone that their CEO used.

The ravenette slowly nodded his head whilst doing a mental note to thank his bandmate later.

The CEO massaged the bridge of his nose, pushing up his glasses as he let out a sigh. "You've been in this industry for how many years Jungkook, and yet you're still oblivious how this collaboration with other artists works" The tone was calm and that only added to idol's nervousness. "But I think that's understandable, this is your first time collaborating with other artists that is not in our agency" It's more statement rather than a question but still, the raven haired find himself nodding. "It's okay. I'll try to work things with her management" He added, referring to YG entertainment. The CEO then turned his head to look at Yoongi. "Please leave us for a minute"

With that being said, Yoongi exited the office, closing the door behind him so gently, leaving the two alone in the room.

"Please take a seat, Jungkook" The ravenette obliged. He sat on the chair inside the CEO's office. "I understand that this is your first mixtape, first collaboration, but let me ask you this question" Bang pd paused for a second as he looked intently to the idol's eyes. "Why her? "

Jungkook remained silent for a minute, and the CEO took that opportunity to add his words. "There are so many idol's that you can collaborate with and I'm not saying that you can't collaborate with her. But why her? "

"I see potential in her. " The young idol spoke with so much confidence, which the CEO appreciates. "She have a passion in music and somehow, I saw myself in her. "

Bang pd smiled. It was faint yet Jungkook knew that he convinced the CEO with his short answer.

The big man nodded his head. "How's the music? Your mixtape? "

Oh fuck!

"In the midst of making. " He answered shortly with a smile, trying to mask his nervousness. Truth is, he doesn't have any track finished. He's still on the midst making one song and he hoped that the CEO won't ask to listen to it now.

"You think you can release it in a month? "

Jungkook nearly fell from his seat from what the other said. "W-what? "

"These pictures" The CEO pointed on the pictures. "I believe some of them was taken long ago, and I assume that you're almost done with it? Or at least close? "

Few of the pictures were indeed taken last year, some of them were early last year and the rest were later that last year. So with that being said, Jungkook slowly, a bit hesitantly, nodded his head. "Yes, pdnim"

"So you think you can finish it within next month? I don't think I can manage well with YG"

Then idol nodded his head. And soon, he was dismissed. He bid the CEO goodbye before he exited the room. He found Yoongi outside, patiently waiting for him.

Upon noticing the young idol, Yoongi looked up and found their maknae. "I texted Taehyung to tell his girlfriend about the news. And also, the collaboration thing"

Hearing what the other had said, Jungkook's eyes widen. "You knew about his girlfriend? "

The older shrugged. "Unfortunately, yes. "

"Since when? How? "

"Last year. Long story short, I caught them kissing in the afterparty of MAMA" The shorter man answered bluntly, causing the other to choke by his word.

The two of them decided to take the elevator whilst conversing. "Anyway, thank you for saving me and my secret, hyung"

The pale idol shrugged his shoulder and didn't utter a word. Silence filled the little space inside the elevator as both of them didn't dare to start the conversation. Though, that silence soon was broke by the rapper.

"You going to our dorm? "

Jungkook shook his head. "No, Lisa's probably waiting form me in our house"

The rapper hummed. "You still think she's in your house, waiting for you? After what happened? I mean, don't she in their agency explaining herself? "

Hearing what the shorter man had said, Jungkook's mind drifted to the time when Lisa told him about her strict management.

Yoongi is right. She should've in their agency clearing the misunderstanding-Oh god, Taehyung's girlfriend should save her wife or else, he'll go insane.

Jungkook texted Lisa about not going in their house. After what happened, they can't risk being caught... Again.

After a few minutes and there is still ko reply, he decided to come with Yoongi and spend his night on their dorm. Again.

But fuck, he missed sleeping next to his wife. He missed Lisa!

This is torture, another torture!

A sighed left his parted lips as they went inside his car because apparently, Yoongi don't usually bought his car with him, especially that they were usually being fetch by the management's van.

Jungkook can't call Lisa, knowing that if she's being interrogated, then they'll be caught in no time.

And neither of them wanted that.

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