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I QUICKLY HELD the door open

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I QUICKLY HELD the door open. We rushed back to the Academy, Allison and Diego were carrying an almost unconscious Five. "We should've taken him to the hospital." Allison grunted.

"A kid with a shrapnel wound might raise some questions." Five mumbled. He was holding onto a thin line of consciousness.

"What the hell were you guys doing anyways?" Diego asked.

"We... we were just blowing stuff up. With grenades. We had to get back home somehow." I stammered. The last time that I was this worried when Five left... 17 years ago.

"You kids really need to think things through." Allison scolded. They set Five down on the couch, I heard him wince in pain.

"He's still losing blood. What do we do?" I asked, desperate to heal him. I quickly took off my blazer, pressing it gently on his wound to stop the bleeding. Five winced from the pressure. "God, Five, you always make me worry." I bit my lip, applying pressure so the bleeding would stop.

"I like seeing you so worried about me." Five said as he smiled through the pain.

"We gotta get the shrapnel out." Diego said. But he paused, as if he saw a ghost. He was walking away from us.

"Diego, where are you going?" Allison called for him to come back.



I sat next to Five, he fell back into unconsciousness while Grace treated his wound

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I sat next to Five, he fell back into unconsciousness while Grace treated his wound. I held his hand, bringing it up to my lips, placing a soft kiss.

I couldn't help but worry for him. It's been awhile since I've seen him this injured. My leg bouncing up and down, I could feel the surge of anxiety.

"He's going to be okay, (Y/N)." Grace spoke softly. She placed a reassuring hand on my knee, making my bouncing leg stop. "Five just needs some rest."

"Thanks, Mom." I gave her a tight hug. I sniffed and tried to hold back tears. She stroked my back gently, making sure that I felt safe in her arms.

"I love you, Mom." I released her from the hug. She gave me a warm smile when she heard those words. Grace caressed my cheek, wiping away the small tears that leaked from my eyes.

"I love you too, (Y/N)." She leaned in and placed a small peck on my forehead. Grace soon left, packing up the first aid kit.

I sat alone with Five, enjoying the sweet silence, until there was a knock. I turned around and saw Diego and Allison standing near the doorway.

"We're gonna head out and find Harold." Diego said.

"Alright, I'll come with you guys." I grabbed my blazer and slung it over my shoulders.

"Um, I don't think that's a good idea." Allison interjected, placing both her hands on my shoulders, stopping me from leaving the room.

"Why not?" I asked, lifting a brow.

"Well, if we do find Harold Jenkins, we don't want you anywhere near that psychopath." Allison sighed.

"What? You can't be serious. Allison, if you hadn't realized since the day we met, I am a psychopath myself. I kill to survive." I stated.

"What she's trying to say is..." Diego intervened. "We care about you and don't want you getting hurt." He playfully ruffled my hair.

"Harold Jenkins might have our sister! I can't just not come along. I want to know that Vanya's all right." I argued. They shook there heads, not giving in. I exhaled sharply and tried to think of a way to convince them.

"I'll... I'll be good, I promise. I just want to see Vanya." I begged. They both looked at each other and sighed.

"Fine, but you have to listen to us. We just want to keep you safe, okay? We love you." Diego patted my back. I beamed at them.

"I love you guys too."


We had gotten separated from Diego because the cops arrested him. Rain pattering on the windows as we drove to the place where we might find Vanya. "Do you think Diego will be all right?" I asked worriedly.

"He's Diego. He'll be okay."


Hey y'all this is the end
of the 18th chapter
I hope you guys
enjoyed it!

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