Alexandra's day

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* 10 years later*

The sun rises on the east side to wake the people of the Koda kingdom waking the princess who feels the warmth on her face, arising from bed the princess rubs her eyes gently as she leaps from bed ready to start the day.

Princess Alexandra the most beautiful maiden of the kingdom, she is a very feisty girl since she was young, and that spicy attitude and playfulness never left just helped shoe the princess she is today.

After styling herself for the morning Alexandra walks down properly to the dining room to have breakfast. 

Walking into the dining room she sees her parents already enjoying their breakfast so she briskly walks over to get started on eating as she doesn't like it when she is late.

"Good morning Mother and Father, how are both of you?" Alexandra loves conversations in the morning it helps to know what her parents might do for the day so she could learn as much as possible to take over the kingdom.

"Well, good morning Alexandra so glad to see you up and ready that is great to show how timely you are so when you do finally run this kingdom it wouldn't just be relied on your husband's shoulders," Daria exclaimed over her daughter loving how she grew up to be a fine young lady.

"Mother of course the kingdom wouldn't just fall on my husband's shoulders who even says I need a husband I think running a kingdom on my own is quite nice for the times to be don't you think?"

"Now Alexandra as much as we love to see your empowerment it would best to see you with someone by your side whether it is to help or to at least give me grandchildren." Daria huffs at what her daughter just exclaimed wishing that she could at least see that Daria is just trying to look ut for her and makes sure she has a wonderful life to look forward to.

"Why do I need someone, I understand you want to make sure I am well off but, I want to find someone who will at; least let me help and not make me feel like a rescued princess or something to play with I want to be seen as an equal." Alexandra hates this conversation each time her mother wants to say something about a betrothed for the future Alexandra can't help but, huff at all the stupid choices who will just treat her like some object for the bedroom when she wants to be seen as an equal.

"Darling I want you in the best position possible and we will find someone who will not treat you like garbage, your father and I won't stand for it, however, you don't even give them a chance Alexandra dear you only assume like the last one he seemed like a well off man."

"He was mother however he was creepy and talked to me like a treasure he found and not a normal human being who may want to take a liking to him. Mother, I want to find someone but, I want to be cherished and not found as a piece of treasure." Staring down at her pancakes Alexandra starts stabbing them hoping that this conversation can be over as it ends the same as always.

"Alright, I understand I am hoping that we find someone who will do that for you I want you to be treated equally so I understand what you are saying, dear." Hoping to turn this around she asks a different question hoping that the atmosphere doesn't get quiet and awkward.

Daria looks toward her husband Phillip clearing her throat to get his attention so he will see the faces she is making so Daria doesn't look crazy in front of their daughter, seeing him raise his head she gives him looks to talk to their daughter giving him daggers that will be dangerous later if he doesn't engage with the other people at the table and not just reading the stupid digest.

Phillip looks up to see Daria his beautiful wife giving him dangerous looks trying to figure out before she gets worse he follows her eyes to see their daughter stabbing her pancakes and eating them aggressively realizing his wife wants help to change the subject.

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