Red Jealousy

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Alexandra's P.O.V

Waking up with a beautiful smile as the warmth of the sun hit her face Alexandra got excited about the day, it was beautiful outside and she knew nothing would ruin it for her. 

Nothing at all-

"Alexandra wake up, we have guests coming soon and I want you to be ready to give the nice prince a tour" Her mother Daria exasperatedly said to her.

"Yes mother, I will be out soon" Alexandra said sweetly as she heard her mother's footsteps leave her door she sighed as the nuisance will soon be arriving oh how this beautiful day turn to be so dreadful.

Doing her morning routine Alexandra wanted to take as long as possible however, she knows what her mother is capable of when mad so she tried to be on her best behavior as she already wasn't off to a great start.

*A few hours later*

Alexandra glided down the stairs just in time to see breakfast being laid on the table, quickly and quietly Alexandra sat next to Casimir and started to eat in a lady-like manner.

"Good Morning Alexandra so nice of you to finally join us" Her father laughed out as he dug into his breakfast finishing up with reading the newspaper the maid got for him this morning.

"Good morning father sorry for my lateness I did not mean to sleep in," Alexandra said while giving her father a heart-felt sad look which her father dismissed.

"It is no problem my dear child I am glad that you got the rest you needed," Phillip said smiling at his daughter as he returned to the newspaper he was reading.

"What about me Alexandra doesn't I, your dear mother get any type of greeting and maybe even a thank you since it was I who had to wake you this morning" her mother Daria sighed expecting the same to be said to her.

Turning to her mother she knew that it was just dramatics her mother was pulling however that didn't stop the smile of annoyance to arrive upon her face as she gave her mother the same greeting as her father.

"Good morning, mother and thank you for getting me up as I surely should not have been sleeping I am truly thankful for it." She said while giving her mother a smile and a sigh as she knew that her mother was just giving her the love she deserves however, the embarrassment she receives with guests around is immeasurable.

After greetings were said and breakfast was finished an announcer came afterward to say that their new arrivals are here and will soon be at the gate.

Hearing this news Phillip and Daria got ready first as it was their guest to be greeted at their castle with an unamused Alexandra and Casimir along with his parents all went to greet Richard as his family could not make it.

"Greetings sir Richard I am delighted for you to join us at our castle, I hope the trip here wasn't too strenuous," Philip said as he reached his hand out for a handshake greeting however Richard merely took it with a light hand and quickly pulled away already hating to be around these poor royals.

*Ahem*" Yes the pleasure is all mine thank you for letting me join you I hope I am not interfering with any other visitors' time," Richard said looking at Casimir and his family and although they are far more wealthy than Richard's family he still gave them an unamused look.

"Don't be you are not interrupting anything at all" Gabriel said with a forced smile already hating his smugness that seems to be rolling off in waves.

Casimir however just stared at him with annoyance as he could see him checking out his Alexandra and he did not like that one bit.

Turning back to Phillip and his family he saw the one he wanted since he first saw her in a painting Alexandra yes, the girl that will make him the best-looking man in all of the countries.

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