Prank war

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*The next morning*

After a blissful night of rest, Alexandra looked forward to the day waking up though was not like the usual morning, no today she woke up to the feeling of something wet and gooey in her hand.

Not knowing what it was Alexandra groggily opens her eyes to find what seemed to be honey all over her right hand gasping at the sight she heard a laugh at her doorway.

"See princess I told you I would get you back, have a nice time getting the honey off your hand however I was hoping you would have accidentally put it in your hair or on your face, alas I will do with what I got, for now, see you later princess." 

"Uh, great thanks Casimir" Alexandra in an annoyed tone hoping Casimir would leave so she could get the goo off her hand she is glad that he didn't get the full reaction he wanted so she counts that as a win in her book.

Scrubbing the icky honey off her hand Alexis gets ready for the day now knowing that Casimir got her back and that the pranking was finished as she only wanted to enjoy the other people's company and ignore Casimir for the rest of the time, as long as her body was on the same page that would be accomplished.

However her body was not on the same page as her mind, it seems her heart and body were in sync today for the next few moments all she did was stick by Casimir.

 For breakfast, she sat next to him, during tea time she talked to him the most out of everyone, and finally, during a game at the dining table, she said she would be partners with Casimir even winning the game with him.

Honestly, it threw her off but, she also noticed that Casimir was getting a kick out of her and she realized that she still hasn't gotten him back so with the disguise she already had she did something unexpected while everyone else was busy she went to Casimir's room going unnoticed by the chitter chatter of everyone else.

Once inside she looked around for something to switch out to drive him nuts, after a bit of hunting in the clean room, which honestly surprised Alexandra, she found something to gently replace.

The object seemed to be of some importance she does hope not too much as she isn't one for taking things too far so she quietly grabbed what looked like to be a pen with engraved writing.

Not bothering to read the writing she replaced it with a specialized pen, hoping he wouldn't notice the difference between the prank pen and the pen that she has now she quickly ran out of his room hoping to not be noticed.

Quietly closing his door she heard the sound of footsteps, panicking a little she ran behind the banister pole that was big enough to hide her body.

Watching him go inside she waited hoping that he would use the pen, after waiting for a few minutes she heard the scream of Casimir as he came out of his room with pen ink all over his hand and the sleeve of his jacket.

Seeing his panicked look, Alexandra came out of hiding laughing her butt off at the sight of Casimir full of ink.

"You did this Alexandra, why did you do that to my pen," Casimir exclaimed quite annoyed by his ruined pen although the pen isn't really important it's more his attire that may now be ruined by pen ink.

"Relax, I have your actual pen right here" Alexandra held up the actual pen she replaced.

"Great thanks, however now I have to tell my mother my clothes for today are ruined no thanks to you."

Rolling her eyes Alexandra came close to Casimir to show him that his clothing isn't ruined at all, she prays that what she will show will stop his fit.

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