Mother's intuition

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Isabella's P.O.V

*During the date*

I never thought that I as a mother would do something like this but, spying on my son and Alexandra's date was just something I knew as a mother I needed to do.

Why? to make sure it goes smoothly of course although I do have trust in my son to make an amazing first date for Alexandra I also know he asked his father some tips instead of just sticking to what I told him.

Huh now I love my husband dearly but, he still doesn't get how things should go like the date for instance so after finding out he did indeed talk to our son and gave him tips, my mother's intuition to spy and make sure the date goes smoothly kicked in.

Now that everyone is up to speed about what I am doing out here in the bushes, let's proceed with the spying.

Looking at the two lovebirds I couldn't help but, be ecstatic as I watch my son and Alexandra have an amazing date, I also realized that the reason Casimir was talking to his father was to get permission for the Observatory room.

It was honestly the cutest date I have ever witnessed and it made me proud of being Casimir's mother.

After feeling like everything was wrapping up for the two I was about to leave but, me being my nosy self decided to stay and watch their goodbyes.

I know such a nosy mother I am but, it was all in good grace and mind that I did this, I honestly would have invited Daria but, she was busy with her husband and so decided against it.

I do know though that if she finds out I did this without her she will kill me but, we will save that for another time.

Seeing the couple say their cute goodbyes in Alexandra's guest room, I decided to take my leave.

Feeling ecstatic after witnessing their beautiful date although pray they never find out, I wanted to see if my son was going to tell me anything about tonight as I am sure Alexandra is doing the same with Daria right now.

So, I turned to the left instead of staying straight and made my way quickly to Casimir's room wondering if he would tell me anything or be like his usual self and grumpily tell me to leave, that it was fine, and stop bothering me like teenage nonsense.

Hoping that wouldn't be the case I ended up right in front of Casimir's door and knocked to see if he was awake or not.

Hearing the door open I had a feeling he probably thought I was Alexandra.

"Well, hello Princess- Mom." My son quickly shut the door in my face as I couldn't help but, laugh wondering if that is always his way of greeting Alexandra.

"Honey may you please open your door once the embarrassment washes off and tell me about your date?" I may have asked it like a question but, he should know better that it wasn't and he has no choice but, to talk with me.

I smile at seeing my son open the door to fully let me in as I expected. Happily, I sat down on one of the chairs in his room and awaited for him to spill how the date went.

*Waiting in silence for a while*

"Well?" I really hope that Casimir could tell that his mother was impatient it should be a good lesson to learn now if he hopes for a happy life with Alexandra in the future.

As they always say happy wife, happy life.

"Yes?" My son seemed to have his father's brains when it comes to having a conversation.

"Tell me how it went on your date with Alexandra did she like it? was the food good? did you guys kiss? son, I need you to spill like we are girls gossiping ok please?" I may ask nicely but, he still doesn't have a choice of backing out of the conversation.

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