An engagement party

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Alexandra's P.O.V

Afterward, we decided to tell our parents the news right away as they most certainly will be happy, to think Casimir and I were doing this before to get our right to the kingdoms.

Now we are truly engaged for the right reason, we started off as enemies, as one would say, to now actually being in love and engaged.

Of course, it still doesn't come without some thorns sticking out here or there, but we recover quickly and stay together for whatever reason that was.

"So, which one of us will be breaking the news you or I?" I asked because I am hoping to be the one to break the news to my parents.

"Why don't you break the news as I already did my part besides being in love with you I went and got the ring," Casimir smirked while looking at me probably like the way he can still push my freaking buttons.

"Casimir," I say in a quiet but, deadly tone.

"Yes, my love" my tone must not be working if he can answer so calmly.

"You and I will do it together alright, we both did hard work as I could have said no" I try and make my case as to why we both just did very hard work on the date.

"Yes, I know and that would have been tragic for me, I would still give you the ring as I wouldn't want it if that embarrassing moment happened." Casimir wipes his brow thinking of how he nearly avoided true and utter embarrassment.

Rolling my eyes, we make it to where each of our parents was sitting, I decided to get their attention by myself, and then together Casimir and I would give the good news.

"Ahem" I clear my throat hoping that gets their attention quickly, and successfully it does and every parent in this room looked up.

"Yes, my dear" My mother Daria spoke first, probably wondering if something was wrong, nope mother you will be getting the best news of your life.

"Casimir and I would like to announce something to all of you," I say looking at the fours as they seemed surprised and in wonderment at what we possibly have to announce.

"Alright, let's hear it." my father Phillip said as he looked trying to decipher what we may have to announce.

I look at Casimir and count with my head 1...2...3

"We're engaged" I show my finger with the ring on to the parents as they all seemed happy and shocked to see that we are in fact engaged.

"This is wonderful news" My mother cried out in happiness.

"Oh, the day has finally come oh we need to announce the engagement party, let me call everyone right now to set it up" Queen Isabella went out to get everyone in the castle to start setting up for a party.

"Wait, you want a party right now." Shocked I didn't know how it will be pulled off.

"Yes, oh just leave everything to Isabella and we will be done in a jiffy." My mother left the room as I stared confused as to how they are going to pull this off.

"Father, are they able to do this in so little time I mean how is everyone going to know are we just going to do a small party?" I look at dad as he starts to laugh along with king Gabriel.

"Oh, sweetheart you are too funny" My father cracked up laughing hunching over like he was in pain but, all he was doing is laughing.

"Yes, very funny honestly my wife Isabella and your mother can make quick work of anything on short notice just go to your room and nap for a bit they will be done in a couple of hours," Gabriel said as I just stood there confused but, decided to just nod instead and leave.

Casimir followed as I wondered what we will be walking into.

*8 hours later*


I look at my doo as Casimir stood to get whoever was behind it. Opening the door I find my mother and Isabella who grabs her son and pulls him away to who knows where as I stare at my mother wondering what she has planned.

"Yes, mother" I look in worry wondering if she was truly fin wished with decorating and if she was able to get some people to hear the news.

"Alexandra I am here to get you prepared for the party so let's go chop chop" My mother clapped her hands as maids with a dress and stuff to make-up and hair started to get to work on me.

"You finished decorating already?" I was truly amazed and how much they were able to accomplish in such little time.

"Yes, everything is looking marvelous now let's get you dolled up. Wouldn't want to look like you just came out of the forest from hiding." My mother has a funny way of saying I look horrendous.


For the next 5 hours, the maids helped to doll me up, one did my hair while the other did my makeup and lastly, they helped me into a dress of mine.

*I am not going to show many pictures in this so just go off from other chapters as to something similar that she is wearing now*

After everything was said and done, I was whisked to the ballroom where upon entry the most gorgeous party from sounds to looks, to the atmosphere in general was amazing.

After everything was said and done, I was whisked to the ballroom where upon entry the most gorgeous party from sounds to looks, to the atmosphere in general was amazing

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"Amazing" I couldn't believe all the work my mother and queen Isabella put in for this party.

"Oh, Alexandra I am glad you like it now let's enjoy the party." My mother suggested as we go in and start to dance and eat, laugh and enjoy.

The night was going amazingly well and I even got to get Casimir out onto the dancefloor as we got to groove throughout the night.

Thinking that the night couldn't get any better my mother and Isabella amazed me with all the things they did in such little time.

After all the drinking and dancing, I saw that Casimir seemed to be waiting for something. Out of the corner of my eye, I see his mother giving a signal and suddenly Casimir leaves my side to go up on the stage.

"Good evening everyone I would like to make a speech," Casimir said into the mike loud and clear.

To be Continued...

* Dun dun guess you have to wait for the next chapter to hear his amazing, wonderful speech, I bet it will be beautiful and full of surprises... Will Casimir say something he shouldn't? find out this next time in "Wonderful speech" Yes Casimir amazing job... not Bye my little bears*

 not Bye my little bears*

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