Just a Misunderstanding

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Casimir P.O.V

Looking at Alexandra I start to feel bad for acting the way I have, what she says seems to be the truth I just couldn't tell if it was or not.

Staring at her she makes a point that I didn't stay for the whole conversation so I don't actually know if she agreed or not, however, why were they talking anyway I know she may have been bored but, was it hard to get rid of Richard?

"Before I make a decision of whether I believe or not I need some things to be answered first." I looked at Alexandra wanting to kiss her but, I try and suppress it as it wasn't the time, he is mad at her so kissing her won't solve anything at all.

"Alright" Alexandra seemed nervous but, that could have been that I did just act like a douche and I did scare her with my anger.

"Why were you talking to Richard?" It seemed like a stupid question but, it will help in understanding how that conversation started.

"Well, I was super annoyed by his overall talking as he was annoying me the whole day I thought being in the library he would get bored and leave. That wasn't the case and all he did was talk and talk for what seemed like forever I was able to have a whole-ass daydream play out with his forever talking however he rudely snapped in my face and made me leave my dreamland. After getting fed up I decided to bite the bullet and just see what he wants so he would go away, I decided to give him five minutes to make whatever case he needed to make. Once I hear the udder stupidity come out of his mouth about his land and riches, I then knew how to make him understand that I will never want him in any sort of way." Alexandra grabbed Casimir's face and pulled it close to hers to make sure he understands what he missed and how she would never accept the deal.

"Want to know what I said truthfully so he understood that I don't want him?" I wait for Casimir to answer with a yes or nod, looking into his eyes I knew he needed to know her answer so he can get the picture she is planning for them.

"Yes," Casimir seemed nervous as he nodded within her palms.

"I told him that I didn't care if he had all the lands and all the riches to provide to me that he would never be able to provide me what I need in this life and that you, Casimir, is the only man I would want as ruler by my side, as a husband I will forever love, as the father of my children as you will be the best father I know you could be." Feeling tears fall on her face she hoped that this got through to Casimir so he can understand that she loves him and doesn't want anyone else by her side.

She looked at him wondering what is going through his head, she prays to the gods above that Casimir know that she said all of the from her heart, that he feels all the emotions she is giving off are real.

"You said all of that about me," he asked her nervously which Alexandra thought was weird. Casimir isn't one to get nervous.

"Yes, Casimir" she felt relieved as she can see that he believes her.

"Alexandra?" Casimir seemed to be super nervous now holding her and she wondered what he may want to ask or do.

"Hm" she wondered what is going through Casimir's head about this whole situation is he still mad it didn't seem like it but, he seemed surprised and happy with what she said about him.

"Do you have any feelings for me?" Looking at Casimir she wondered what brought that question on.

"Oh, I-" Before she could finish he decided to interrupt.

"Never mind I am so sorry that was stupid of me to ask, I don't want to push you to answer or make things awkward with whatever the plan is. Honestly, I have been very confused and didn't know what my true feelings for you were it wasn't until I got some time alone that I sorted everything out and knew that I felt something more for you I just was wondering if you thought about any type of feelings for me or maybe thought you had feelings for me I-"

"Casimir, I do" Alexandra couldn't take any more of his talking although it was very cute to watch his nervousness. She didn't want to hide it anymore that she had true feelings for him now, the only thing she has to wait for is if he returns them or not.

"You have feelings for me." It seemed like a rhetorical question at this point or a question for him to ponder so she didn't say anything just waited for whatever might happen here and now with them.

Instead of saying anything else she saw Casimir come toward her like a man on a mission, before she could do anything like run or defend herself if she needed, Casimir grabbed her waist and pulled her close into a kiss that felt like every feeling she has pondered and he has pondered over the past few months finally became clear and that this was meant to be.

What started out as a fight over a misunderstanding ended with the two kissing, although she has revealed her feelings Casimir has yet to reveal his in full disclosure as a kiss doesn't help explain much to her.

Pulling apart Alexandra decided enough was enough and that she needed to get to the bottom of the question that has been burning her up inside since they started this whole thing, now that they have settled it was time to ask it.

"What are we, Casimir?" She hoped he understood it to answer in a complete manner but, she doesn't know with Casimir if he was this smart or not.

"We are- um" It seemed to her that Casimir was having a hard time defining that himself so it was time to have a full-on discussion about their feelings, what they will do with their feelings, and how this will affect their future going forward.

"Casimir let's have a discussion about us right now while we are alone and there is no longer anyone here to bother us I want a full answer as to what we are so that we can move on to the next phases of our life ok." Alexandra knew he would agree but it is nice hearing him agreeing with her instead of disagreeing with her.


With that said Alexandra decided to start the conversation as they each will now reveal what they are feeling and how they feel for each other moving forward.

*Well, my little bears it seems like many things are now going to be sorted out and there will no longer be any more angst for these two as everything will be sorted out as Alexandra needs it to be. That's all I have to say about it see you guys in the next chapter called "Feelings revealed" Finally everything will be out in the open for these two and they can start a nice and happy life together. Bye*


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