Questions of the Future

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Alexandra's P.O.V

*Morning after the date*

Waking up I felt refreshed, last night my date with Casimir was so amazing. However, the date did leave me filled with questions.

Questions I had of Casimir and I, our future together, and how are we going to rule the kingdoms together? I know we are on the same page with wanting to be together but, there is so much we need to still figure out.

After getting dressed I head down to breakfast to see my parents, not at the table, I know this isn't our castle so they shouldn't feel the need to get up.

It's just weird not seeing them in the morning in fact it seems Casimir isn't up either which, isn't really surprising.

"Good morning, Alexandra, come have a seat breakfast is just about done." Isabella smiled at me as she patted the seat next to her, I was a bit surprised she wanted me seated next to her, however, I just smiled and sat down knowing that my stomach is about to sing for food soon.

"Good morning, Isabella how is your morning?" Striking up a conversation as I await for the food to be served I wondered if Casimir was bombarded by his mother like I was or if he fell asleep before getting thoroughly interrogated by his mother.

"My morning is going well I woke up to the feeling of the sun on my face which is always nice, and then I spent some time in the garden hearing so birds chirping from within some of our trees. Then, I picked out a nice dress for today and came to eat with my husband."

"How was your morning Alexandra?" Isabella asked me but, I was a bit busy being in awe at how much she did this morning and I was asleep how shameful but, I guess it isn't too bad as my mother isn't up and usually she scolds me about not waking up on time and that you should act more like a princess and do your duties.

You get where I was going but, it will be fun to tease mother once she wakes up.

"My morning was great, I woke up and felt an air of freshness wash over me and I was just so excited to be up." I was excited however it was more about seeing Casimir than seeing everyone else although breakfast almost came first as food is life.

"Well, I am glad to hear that, I know you just got to breakfast honey but, my son definitely should be up already would you be a dear and see if you can wake him up." Queen Isabella seemed to want to tease me often however since my date I feel the embarrassment will no longer be there. At least that is what I keep telling myself praying my cheeks won't give away my lie.

"Oh, sure that is no problem." I get up from my spot and take a deep breath heading towards Casimir's door, since being at his castle I had learned all the different ways I could find his door so it was easy and I no longer needed a maid to help me find his door.

Standing in front of his door I begin to knock until I got an idea to just be annoying and barge into his room.

So I slowly opened his door to see his darkened room with his blinds closed, it made everything inside pitch black.

Walking slowly toward his bed I tried not to trip, tip-toeing around his room I found the edge of his bed. Slowly climbing on top I see him sleeping on his stomach looking at his sleeping face I thought about what way I will wake him up.

Deciding on giving a kiss on the cheek, I smile and lean in for a quick cheek kiss. Before I could get to his cheek I feel myself being flipped until I ended up under Casimir who smirked.

"Now princess, what are you doing in my room?" Casimir smiled as I covered my face from getting caught almost kissing him.

"I was sent here to come to wake you up, I was going to give you a kiss but, since you seem to not want one I will leave you to get ready." I tease knowing he would want a kiss from me it's just seeing him look offended that I wouldn't want to kiss him.

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