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Alexandra's P.O.V

I am now a married woman everybody, after the reception Casimir of course got me into the car and still wouldn't tell me where we were going.

I love that he wants to do surprises but, man is he good and keeping everything tightly sealed.

We drove for around a few hours till we got to this beautiful-looking island, It looked massive on the drive-in, and it also seemed like it was a private beach as no one else seemed to be around.

Driving up the front of the house you first see how interesting it looked, it seemed big but, also not castle like it was very interesting it seemed to be built like the houses in the town which was very cute.

Going inside Casimir decided to lift me up and carry me through the door as some tradition of us starting a life together.

"Here you go princess" I smiled as Casimir set me down on the tile floors, he went to get our bags as no staff came with us, we wanted that of course so we could be alone the whole time.

"So is this your father's island." Looking around it did seem expensive but, not very expensive I know that sounds weird.

"No princess, you silly girl this is our island well it was mine but since we are now married it is ours. I bought this place a few years ago as a way to get some peace outside of the kingdom but, now that you have become my wife this is our island to take future vacations on with our kids, or with just us doing a date night or if we need a break from each other one of us would come here and we would have a system where we switch each time so no one feels inferior to the other." Nodding my head I liked the sound of what Casimir was saying, this is our island it seemed weird to say but, I am happy with it.

I have never had the balls to buy something myself as you all know so buying an island seems huge to me but, I am glad Casimir isn't like me when it comes to buying things as luxury comes with being a royal whether people like it or not it is something that comes with the title.

"Since you bought this island do you know of anywhere safe to explore?" I already wanted to look for things safely, of course, exploring an island sounds so much fun but, again I want to be safe.

"Well there are the hot springs that are down past the trees don't worry though as it will be a short walk as it is just a backyard walk and then bam we are there" I laughed at Casimir explaining how to get to the hot springs which sounded so good right now.

"Let's unpack and get changed first then we can head to the hot springs." I went to the big room which seemed to be the king's bedroom laying down my stuff on the one end I saw Casimir lay his stuff on the other end.

"Is that side good or do you prefer this side?" I can't remember when we took naps which side he liked but, it seemed he preferred either side.

"Either is good but, this side I do like the best." Casimir set down his bag by the side of the bed as he stretched from the long carriage ride.

Deciding that I can have a peak I stared at him for a good long minute as he stretched with his shirt raising to the sky to show off some of his best assets.

"Done checking me out princess" Casimir didn't seem to mind but, he won't get me this time as I am no longer phased by it as we are now married.

"No, why don't you keep stretching as I didn't mind seeing what is underneath." I teasingly smiled as I saw Casimir catch his breath noticing that maybe I have gotten a bit bolder.

"Well, well princess marriage has changed you, seems to me you are very flirty now." I laughed at Casimir as if he should know where I learned it from.

"I did learn from the best since he would always flirt nonstop at both castles." I laughed rushing out of the bedroom before Casimir could get me, quickly getting into the bathroom I locked it so he wouldn't come in while I changed.

"Aw, come one princess don't play this game." Casimir groaned as I saw the jiggling of the lock, shaking my head I started to get changed.

"Casimir, I will be done in a few moments hurry up and get changed I want to go swim in the water." I think I can pull off being a wife hopefully I don't become the bossy type.

"Alright, my love I will see you out on the beach." Knowing that I excitedly raced the rest of my changing coming out only to be faced to chest with Casimir.

"How in the heck did you get changed so fast?" I suppose he doesn't have to put a top on but, still, he was talking not that long ago.

" It's only a pair of shorts princess in all honesty I just changed out here as this island is private." Casimir laughed as I puffed out my cheeks.

"I know that but, I still like being private when I change." stomping my foot I waited for Casimir to start leading the way to the hot springs.

"I understand that princess but, again this island is private if anyone ends up here we do have people guarding the island although not near us, so no one should be able to see you change but, I understand the privacy point of changing. Now let's get to the hot springs." Casimir started to walk in the direction of the hot springs.

Following closely behind I could feel my anticipation of seeing hot springs for the first time, as you can see I didn't get out much.

"Here we are" stopping just behind Casimir I peek over his shoulder to see this massive spring of water near a waterfall, this seemed huge for a hot spring.

"This is huge" I couldn't hold back my utter shock at it all.

"Yes, princess this spring was nature made so it is bigger than a normal hot spring, let's go enjoy it shall we." Casimir grabbed my hand as he lead me into the nice heated water.

Instantly my body fully relaxed once we were inside the spring, sighing I closed my eyes as Casimir held me inside the hot spring.

Floating around for hours was just the thing I needed to do after everything we have done in these past few months this spring is a great reward for it all.

Once it got dark Casimir decided that we should be done here, picking me up he carried me all the way back to the house.

I did not protest one bit as the hot spring made my body feel like jelly at this point.

Getting inside the huge room I didn't want to change, so instead Casimir helped me with that as we spent the rest of the night tangled together in utter bliss.

This was the best honeymoon anyone could ever ask for, and it was all mine to have with Casimir.

*Done, we are so close I am glad that this book will be finishing up soon but, also sad to say goodbye to these characters, I know I said that a while back in one of my other ending points but, it's just so sad to write these stories for like a whole summer and then finally saying goodbye is weird. Anyway in the next chapter, it seems this honeymoon led to some news that needs to be shared what will it be? will Alexandra be able to say it? is it something good or bad? find out this and more in "I have some news" OOO let's hope it's good. Bye, my little bears.*


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