the little kicks

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Alexandra's P.O.V

My morning sickness has now settled down along with my endless cravings, it has been so nice these last few months.

So far all I have felt are the beautiful little kicks of my baby before the baby just kicked in the middle of the day, now it kicks all the time.

"Oof" Waking up the ninja inside my belly kicked me telling me it's time to get up, wonderful. Usually, I would get some time to sleep in but, now I am wide awake thanks to my little ninja.

"Good morning sweety," My hubby says as I roll out of bed having to pee, this is also new to me as before the only time I would go to the bathroom because of my pregnancy was the morning sickness, now it just wants to stay on my pelvis throughout the day making me feel the need to pee.

"Good morning honey," I say from the bathroom just letting out all I needed, afterward after washing up I got back up as my little cute baby decided to kick again.

Leaving the bathroom I see Casimir who seems to watch my every move, for some reason feeling him behind didn't make me mad but, calming.

Not saying about it I was told recently by the doctor to stay on bed rest as we are getting closer to the due date.

*Bam* My baby must feel the need to want to come out as the kicking that had been dormant the first few months and then gradually gotten more noticeable to where every few seconds the baby decides to kick.

Laying back down I hate this feeling of not doing anything which is weird for me as sleeping in and being lazy was something I usually did.

Now I don't get much sleep and a lovely baby who thinks they must be a karate instructor with all this kicking.

*Bam**Bam* Looking down I see my stomach move around which I have gotten used to, at first when I saw my baby's belly move I freaked out just a little seeing the skin move.

It was a beautiful thing to see but since I have never been pregnant before it was weird thankfully both my mother and Isabella were able to calm me down and say that it was normal as the baby grows inside the belly.

"So today I am free, do you mind if I stay here with you?" Casimir has been very gentle throughout my pregnancy of course there are moments where he freaks out for no reason, but his mother helps to calm him down and says it's normal.

Lately, he's been sweet, just giving me all the kisses and hugs in the world his favorite thing to do is put his ear up to my gigantic stomach and listen to our kid.

Sometimes our kid would be funny and just kick his face from time to time, but in other ways, the baby seems to be happy to hear his voice when he talks.

When we found out how the baby reacted to his voice Casimir talks a lot more to the baby making him kick a lot more often which sometimes sucks.

"Good morning baby" We still won't know until the baby is born to know the gender although I have a huge feeling it's going to be a boy.

Why do I feel it's going to be a boy? I don't how but, the feeling is so strong that I will be surprised if it's a girl, still happy but, surprised.

*Bam* *bam* and *bam*

Groaning feeling the kicks the baby seemed happy about something, but while I love that the baby will be happy my insides are not, I will be surprised if I will ever eat candy again and also be surprised if I will ever want to do this again.

I want a big family that will never change, however being pregnant is the only worst part of making a big family.

I pray for my future self that will be pregnant again and again. 

"How are you, Alexandra?" I sigh at Casimir's question with all this kicking I am so ready for my baby to be born.

"Ready to see my baby outside of my belly and not feeling these kicks, the baby seems so energetic I wonder if it thinks my belly is a dance floor or that I am a karate master instead of a ruler." I look down at my belly seeing some of the kicks my baby is doing.

"I don't really know what you are going through but, I am amazed at what your body can do, carrying our beautiful child and being strong with all the kicking." Casimir laughed as I give him a smile, the love he has shown to me throughout everything has been wonderful.

Feeling the baby give more little kicks I just lay down and stay in bed, having Casimir, my mother Daria, Isabell, and some of the castle maids help me throughout the day as I laid and just enjoyed my last few months hoping they will be fast so I can see my baby and not just feel my baby.

Even though I hadn't done anything but, stay in bed I felt so tired and decided to fall asleep feeling the bed move as I close my eyes and feeling Casimir wrap his arms around as much of the belly as he could fit between his arms.

Falling asleep I feel one last little kick before my baby falls asleep, as I dream of what my baby will look like once born.

*And done, well it seems her baby is a kicker, what do you believe the gender is going to be? do you wonder who the baby is going to look like most Casimir or Alexandra? Well, all these questions will be answered in the next chapter called "It's time" Finally the baby will be born and we will see what the gender will be I wonder what the name of the child is going to be I will write that later see you later my little bears*

*And done, well it seems her baby is a kicker, what do you believe the gender is going to be? do you wonder who the baby is going to look like most Casimir or Alexandra? Well, all these questions will be answered in the next chapter called "It's t...

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