Playing Nice

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Alexandra's P.O.V

Since I made that deal with Casimir our parents have seen a change in our behavior, we rarely fight and we even threw a few couple-like things in there to spice it up and make it as authentic as possible that we may or may not be falling in love as well.

It has been hard though playing nice with Casimir as he likes to ruffle my feathers way more often now that he sees I can't always fight back with annoyance but, rather with playfulness.

"Aw, princess how awfully wonderful you look today in that purple dress you actually seem to pull it off, you look beautiful in fact" Casimir smirked at me and I just know he said that to get under my skin than actually compliment me.

I for once had someone in mind besides the parents to make an impression when picking out my outfit, although I hate him I still wanna make an impression to see if he will actually act like he might have an interest in me as this one-sided ness of blushing is something I hate showing and I want to see some blushes come from Casimir so I can sit in all its glory.

However, it seems that won't be happening soon or ever but, a princess like me can dream of her nemesis's downfall.

"Thank you, Casimir, for that wonderful compliment which seems surprising coming from someone like you." I couldn't help it although this insult wasn't as coded as Casimir's I hoped that our parents wouldn't see this as the usual fighting but, as the banter between couples like how my parents are when it comes to their banters at the dinner table.

My goodness, I can't even believe I am comparing a love as wonderful as my parents to that of my "fake" love with Casimir... Fake love with Casimir.

(Excuse me author why the fudginess was their quotations on fake you know it is as you are the one writing this)

(You're right I am the one writing this so just let it be and I will write this story as it is just let me have my fun)

(huh, okay)

Anyways as I was saying my fake love for Casimir would never compare to my parents which is a shame as I want that, may my future hold hope for that kind of love.

"You're welcome my princess" Casimir smirked knowing that some of what he said got under her skin but, they must put on a little show for their parents to make it look like love came authentically between them as it could.

Feeling as if that was the end of the little show we go about our day as usual except for spending more time together since our parents would like to see together more often.

"Casimir, this is hard playing "nice" with you isn't easy can you make a little less of the snarky comments and try to make them as genuine as possible". Alexandra felt like this should be easier to do however trying to authentically love Casimir whether feelings are there or not came as a challenge with how much his attitude toward annoying her seemed to brighten each day blinding her with such annoyance that couldn't be helped when it came across her face.

"Fine, princess for you I will try and tone it down when it comes to the teasing, however"... Casimir took Alexandra by the waist pulling her close to his chest and he gave her a tiny squeeze of affection a smile coming across his face when feeling her body up against his in a such a way made it bliss for Casimir. "I will keep up with the flirting so don't expect that to change or be toned down can you handle that princess?"

Looking into Casimir's eyes Alexandra nodded her head as her cheeks turned into a shade of scarlet red she was starting to get used to it, in fact, all of Casimir's playful ways have started to become a routine of things happening for Alexandra that it didn't faze as much as before however it still made her face and body heat up to keep her knowing that she does in fact have some feelings for Casimir she would hate to admit in front of him or anyone for that matter that is a secret she will die with thank you very much.

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