Plan of his own

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Richards P.O.V

Returning to my castle with no Alexandra disheartened me, the fact that she was barely around while I was visiting the Koda kingdom was just disheartening, and to top it off the prince of the Fye empire "Gabriel" was the only one around her which wouldn't even give me enough time to hang out with Alexandra alone.

No matter I shall think of some way to take over Koda kingdom and combine it with mine, Alexis is the easiest way or should be but, since the two families have known each other since the beginning of each kingdom it should be assumed they have plans for their children's future.

Going off to my throne room I hear my father greet my return as he should as I am the most successful heir of his short lineage.

"Welcome home my boy, how was visiting the Koda kingdom shall we hear news of maybe you and a certain princess soon or has she still not taken you as a husband-to-be?"My father said making me even madder that I didn't get one minute with her alone.

"No, father it seems she is already betrothed to the Fye empire boy, pathetic if you ask me my kingdom would be much better suited for her than Gabriel's alas I should be able to find another kingdom to take over although the rest are not as easy as Koda kingdom."  I sighed not liking the idea of having to try and find another girl to coerce although there are plenty out there to do so known would be as needed as Koda kingdom's princess would have been.

"That is odd I have not heard of any engagement between the two however, it would be a plan of those four rulers to get their children together as the kings have known each other since childhood.

"They are not engaged father although news of that should be soon as they have been seen together in and outside the castle." Richard rubbed his temples as he sat and tried to think of a new way to get more land and power.

Starting with the Koda kingdom was the best option as people seeing that one big kingdom fall or surrender would cause such chaos for the fye empire as they are the biggest allies of the Koda so they would need to be targeted right away before retaliation.

Yes, Richard liked the plan of easy to grab so he will stick with Alexandra and just throw in a sweet deal she could never refuse.

Another plan could be to ruin the newly formed relationship between Alexandra and prince Casimir, that would surely be a two-for-one deal as breaking both their hearts and stealing Alexis right under the prince's nose oh would give such satisfaction to him.

Richard felt it all come together as he would ruin their relationship and any bonding that was made, then he can get the two kingdoms to go after each other and he would be there to clean up the mess and take both kingdoms right under everyone's nose.

Smiling at the brilliant plan he just concocted Richard needed to pack again for another trip this time to Fye kingdom as that is where both families decided to migrate.

"Father, I know I have just returned but, I want to visit the Fye empire just to see what it looks like do you see that fitting in my schedule?" Richard did not care if it fit or not he just needed it to be more open so it wouldn't look suspicious of him to be taking a trip after just getting back.

"I don't see anything fit in the schedule at all so I don't see why not?" his father seemed to be into the idea however Richard would like a nice straightforward answer.

"So is that a yes?" Richard looked at his father confused hoping it is a yes.

"Yes, you may go to Fye empire to visit and see what it looks like shall I tell King Gabriel when you will be arriving." His father asked seemingly wondering why the sudden urge to visit such a kingdom however no problems were had for his son not to be able to go.

"No, I will tell him myself." Richard didn't want the newly found couple to hear of his upcoming visit he would like to keep it a surprise for Alexis and a torment for Gabriel as neither will know what will hit them.

He is going to make sure to hit the relationship where it couldn't be repaired right in the jealous zone for Gabriel to hate Alexis and hopefully never want to speak with her, and for Alexis, a little threatening shouldn't be too bad of harm for her to understand what is at stake to choose the best decision for everyone's future.

It's not like it shouldn't be easy to take her away while not getting the two lovebirds to hate each other that will be just a bonus for him to watch in complete and utter satisfaction.

Getting the letter ready to be sent Richard couldn't stop smiling at the upcoming events ahead of everybody, and the prize will be a kingdom or two and his precious Alexis.

He hopes she won't forget in the end she will be his and no one else's and will be so easy to take her away like stealing candy from a child.

"Runner boy" Richard snapped his fingers to get the attention of his servant.

"Yes, your majesty" The runner boy bowed so as not to get any warnings of disrespect as he got last time.

"Please run very fast and deliver this message to King Gabriel and let him know that I will be in his kingdom just for a few days as I need to do some research for an upcoming plan I need to prepare and that no one else needs to know I am there as it's just to take a quick look around alright." Richard stared menacingly at the delivery boy to make sure he doesn't mess up the message and ruin his little fun surprise for the couple.

"No problem your majesty the message shall be delivered by the end of the day I promise" The message boy saluted in anxiousness hoping that nothing will set the tyrant prince off.

"Good, now go run along" Richard shooed the young message boy away so he could celebrate his soon-to-be victory over the two kingdoms.

Hope you are ready Alexis the world as you knew it will soon crumble but, don't worry I will catch your fall hehe.

Skipping back to his bedroom Richard couldn't wait for his plan to all fall into place.

*Alright people we are getting to the really good parts ah, now that we know what is up Richards's sleeve I wonder how the plan will go, will our new couple survive this beast of Jealousy or will Richard succeed in his plan to rule over all the kingdoms find out next time the "Returning Nuisance" where we will see Alexis's point of view again of the annoying Richard gosh I hope our couple will make it pass this hurdle anyway Bye my little bears*

*Alright people we are getting to the really good parts ah, now that we know what is up Richards's sleeve I wonder how the plan will go, will our new couple survive this beast of Jealousy or will Richard succeed in his plan to rule over all the ki...

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