The Goal

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Alexandra's P.O.V

Waking up the next morning made Alexandra feel ecstatic to start the day, knowing that she will be seeing Casimir made her happier than she has ever been these past few months.

If you would have asked her if she saw Casimir as anything but a nuisance? She would say no.

Now though, she would say that maybe having him as an actual boyfriend wouldn't be so bad.

All thoughts aside they still have to stick to the original goal but, instead of splitting the kingdoms they would just keep the kingdoms and tell their parents that they will stay together for the rest of the time they spend together.

Even though feelings have made plans change it still doesn't differentiate the ending Casimir and her would want which is their titles and their rule over the kingdoms.

She does wonder what Casimir's parents and her parents will do during their newfound free time.

Guessing what she knows of her parents and learning more about Casimir's parents they would probably be doing tons of games and charity hosting and whatnot around the kingdom just no longer having the official titles.

Getting lost in those thoughts Alexandra arrives just in time for breakfast and maybe some news that will be shared.

"Good morning everyone," Alexandra said smiling as she took a seat very close to Casimir touching his hand slightly in a sneaky manner.

"Good morning sweety, before you eat your father and I have some news to share " Alexandra looked up to her mother wondering what news needed to be shared.

"Ok" Alexandra felt nervous seeing her mother's face

"Prince Richard decided to come back and visit again," Her mother said in a sweet tone but, everyone could feel the annoyance coming off her.

Just as she heard that Alexandra felt the need to bang her head, deciding that was unladylike she decided to just shove her face behind Casimir's shoulder and groan.


"Mother why?" Why was Richard coming to visit, even better why is he visiting Casimir's castle and not just waiting till her parents return back home of course without her?

"Alexandra please be polite and just deal with him alright he won't do anything to you I promise you don't even have to see him this time you can be with Casimir or by yourself." her mother huffed at her before returning to the plate of food.

"So I can be with Casimir throughout the whole visit of prince Richard" Alexandra prayed to her gods above to let this be her miracle to have.

Seeing her mother sigh Alexandra began to get worried that it would be best to just suck up for the upcoming visit.

"You have to see him once when we greet his return and you may have to be permitted to visit with us but, everyone will be together so nothing will happen ok." Alexandra smiled at in her mother agreeing to the compromise and turning to Casimir she smiled and squeezed his hand knowing that throughout the whole visit she will never have to be alone with that creepy prince.

Feeling Casimir squeeze her hand back makes her heart flutter with happiness knowing that they don't have to be apart.

Although she does have to talk with Casimir to make sure that they are on the same page with just keeping the relationship and making it real instead of just fake.

That discussion can be saved for a later day though right now all she wants to do is spend as much time with Casimir before they have to see that son of a- beautiful lady prince again.

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