Bickering or Flirting?

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*The following day*

The prank war had ended and that made Alexandra so happy, now she can enjoy the rest of the time she will have with the Fye family aside from the son, or at least that is what she wants to do but, things won't always go a certain people hope.

The first half of the day was fine, breakfast was standard with nothing but small talk from the parents and the rest of the day after Alexandra had hope for some peace and quiet.

Today though was not her day as peace and quiet was not something Casimir ever did well even in his own castle. Her castle was no exception to his constant want of attention.

"Alexandra, pay attention to me" Casimir has been whining about that for most of the day since after breakfast to now all he has done is bother her and it pushed her to the edge of sanity as it was just annoying.

"Casimir for the last time I gave you things you could do in the castle and outside yet here you are bothering me. What is it you are expecting me to do?"

"Entertain me of course this is your castle so you must know what we can do for fun around here?"

"Casimir I told you, the library is free to read whatever you want, you can enjoy our setup of archery and swords outside all nicely set up for usage. You may get a horse and ride around town, enjoy what our people offer or talk to some of them as they are amazing people to enjoy company-wise. Why on earth are you here anyways doesn't your father or mother have something for you to do?"

"No, they had me finish everything before making the trek here as they didn't want this to be any business things going on while they are visiting, this is more a friendship or family type get together so nothing was supposed to come along from our castle."

"Of course, if something were to happen that doesn't mean we aren't prepared to leave for an emergency however, my father is very keen on making sure the staff knows what to do for most emergencies that will not require any of the royals to be present," Casimir said in a princely fashion it honestly made Alexandra awe at how calm and poised manner he talked in.

Staring at him, Alexandra couldn't help the rise of color, which she doesn't want to see right now, come upon her face. 

Turning away Alexandra made sure Casimir didn't see that and used it against her in some embarrassing manner, Alexandra tried to get back to what she was planning on doing as she wanted Casimir to hopefully get the hint and go away but, alas he didn't.

"So, what is it that are you doing? looks interesting."

"Well, if you must know I am trying to think of something to paint as you must have noticed when you barged in here for no reason at all, that I have a paint station set up." Alexandra gestured to the paint station in a manner of sass as she couldn't understand how Casimir didn't see any of this when he decided to come to annoy her today.

"Ah, well my apologies for interrupting what you were planning."

"Thank you-" 

"However, I don't want to leave and be bored so I am going to keep you company" Casimir smiled at Alexandra as he decide to find a spot close to the painting station, actually finding a seat in front of Alexandra almost setting himself up to be painted.

However, Alexandra saw him as no muse just an annoying pest. Sighing Alexandra decided to just let him stay as she didn't want to do any more bickering.

Thinking of something Alexandra came up blank as to what she wanted to paint, looking around the room nothing in there seemed interesting for her to paint.

Standing there, Alexandra looked towards the nuisance from earlier seeing as he actually set himself up quite nicely and seemed to not paying attention to what she was doing as it seemed Casimir found the outside to be more fun.

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