Richards Reveal

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Alexandra's P.O.V

Today I woke up with the best feeling of relaxation, however, I did feel a looming sensation over my head but, I decide to ignore it/

Getting ready, I go down to breakfast expecting the interaction to be like every day however it wasn't.

"Good morning everyone?" I was confused looking at the table filled with my parents, Casimir and his parents I see the looks on all their faces which were of dread which made the looming sensation from an earlier return but, increase.

"Is everything alright?" I look toward my mother and father wondering what is going on.

"Alexandra, were you ever given a deal by prince Richard in any way shape or form?" My mother asked me with a worried look on her face, I wonder why this is suddenly brought up maybe Richard has something against me.

"Yes, actually but, I never took the deal why?" I was worried now that by me saying no Richard planned to do a war of some kind which won't be great for either kingdom to endure.

" Thank goodness, I was worried for a second." My mother grabbed her chest as she sighed with relief which made me even more confused, Casimir was there when I was given a deal and although Casimir never heard my answer he should have told them I never took the deal as I explained to him.

I look towards Casimir with a look of pure confusion as to what is going on.

"What is going on?" I decided to just voice my thoughts instead of just repeating the same thing in my head.

My father decided to answer as I took a seat by Casimir to get some breakfast.

"Alexandra, dear this castle and at our castle, they each received a letter from prince Richard stating that you and he made a deal to be wed. He said if the deal does  not come to fruition that a war will be held between all three of the kingdoms and your hand is what he is after." My father finished the explanation as I shivered by the disrespect and the sheer drive of power Richard has that he would make something this big of a blowout.

"What a disgusting man, well so now that we all know I didn't take the deal." I side-eye Casimir just a tiny bit as I see him nervously look away, which is good he should be scared of his future wife so he knows who is in charge. " What is the plan moving forward, we can assume that persistent Richard butt-face will probably not give up just by being sent a letter as it seems he wants war so any solutions on taking care of this problem?" I look towards my dad hoping his wisdom will come forth or King Gabriel's wisdom will show in how we can easily avoid this upcoming situation.

"Honestly honey, I don't know it seems Richard won't back down and most of the time things like this lead to war and it might come to that." I look at my father slightly in sadness as that wasn't the answer I was hoping for so I decided to see if King Gabriel had a way of stopping this civilly.

"Sorry Alexandra, I have no way of knowing where to even begin I doubt that he would listen to reason and his father isn't in charge of his kingdom anymore so even he will have a tough time making his son see reason." That was something I didn't want to hear, sighing from all the bad news I decided to just return to my meal as it seems it has to be a situation we deal with later.

After that depressing end to the conversation we all went back to eating in quiet, I didn't like it at all but, what was it were we to do Richard seemed to be on a warpath for just wanting my hand instead of anyone else. 

I knew from the start that the prince was psycho however, I find it hard to believe that the king of Aldonia would just let his son run amuck and soil the name of the county by acting the way he was.

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