Can I have a tour.... of your room?

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Casimir's P.O.V

"I said can I have a tour of your room?" 

Yep that is what he thought he heard the first time and it's not like Casimir wouldn't pass up the opportunity of showing off his amazing room however, this question came from his princess who was staring up at him with those doe eyes making him swallow hard.

"I don't know Alexandra,, are you sure you don't want to go see anything else?" Casimir prayed she wanted to see the kitchen or something in full detail he thought she would definitely go after his library as they have quite many more variety of books.

"Please?" With that, his princess added a pout making him surrender and just give the tour hopefully hearing the word, yes Alexandra would back down so he decided to pray for the best with the answer.

"Alright princess if you wish so, it shall be" With a bit of cheesiness added to the answer he prayed that she would stick to his cheesiness and make fun of it forgetting her question altogether.

"Thank you, let's go, pretty boy"

However, the gods decided to play against him in this chess match which he despised, sighing Casimir decided to just do it and get it over with.

"Follow me" he started off towards his room wondering what the parents are doing at this time, probably gossiping and having tea like usual.

Stalking towards his room with his princess behind him Casimir finally arrived in front of his beautifully crafted door.

"Wow, what a beautiful door Casimir. where did you get it from?" Seeing his princess's eyes light up Casimir smiled also taking the opportunity to stall going inside his room for reasons.

"This, the princess came from the far region of the islands of the east coast, there they have the most magnificent trees and although I am all for nature this tree was dying so they had to get rid of it. They somehow found the inside wood to be perfectly healthy compared to the outside wood so instead of destroying the entire tree the people of the island crafted this door." Casimir said with a wide smile remembering the story his father told him as it was told by the islanders his father came across.

"So how did you come into possession of it?" looking at his princess Casimir couldn't help the burning of his cheeks seeing Alexandra's face in her beautiful smile of hers he just couldn't help to admire and stare at her.

"Well, my father was traveling around the country building up his repertoire with people to make a trade for his kingdom and my mother was home taking care of me, on the travels he came across the island and decided that he wanted to meet these see their culture and see how they do living in the jungle. While he was there getting along with the people the chief asked if he would like a present to show peace and respect as my father showed the chief's people." Casimir loved this story his father told as it showed how kind his father is to everyone in and outside of the kingdom.

"So, he accepted the door?" Casimir nodded hearing Alexandra's question made his heart all fluttery and so instead of wasting any more time stalling, Casimir wanted to show her the rest of his rooms as he had more gifts from his father's travels.

"Yes, my father even to this day visits the island people, and sometimes I go to thank them for their generosity and how much I love this door." Casimir did do that until he decided he no longer needed to visit the island people, however, after they are married maybe he can take Alexandra with him and show his hospitality and thankfulness once again.

"I haven't seen them in a long time though maybe after we are married and before we decided to split I could take you to visit them as it has been a very long time since I have shown my thankfulness as only my father now goes and visits time after time." Casimir doesn't know why but, seeing her just in awe of the craftsmanship of his door made Casimir ever the more thankful for it than he has felt in the past.

"That would be amazing I will take you up on that offer, I would love to see if they have crafted anything else maybe I could learn from them do they teach anyone outside of their people?" His Alexandra was full of questions and they were still only outside his door.

"Yes, I believe they taught my mother some designer things and that is how she actually became this great of a designer although she already had the talent, seeing their culture made her more educated about how to design things than ever before," Casimir remembers the day his mother decided to change an entire side of the castle just because she wanted to.

"That's amazing" Alexandra's face lit up making Casimir all the more nervous to show the inside as it isn't as great as the door.

"Ready for the rest of the tour?" Casimir nervously smiled as he saw her nod her head enthusiastically. Pushing his door very slowly Casimir looked inside to see... his room cleaner than it has ever been making him sigh with relief as Alexandra looked inside with excitement wondering what is in his room.

"Ooo, I am surprised Casimir I was expecting a little bit of mess?" Casimir can feel the undertone of that statement however she probably meant it as "you are a boy and boys are messy" said in a girly high pitch.

"Actually to be honest so was I, the maids must have gotten a message from my father and cleaned not only the castle but, my room I will thank them for the next time I see one." Casimir would honestly bow and go on his knees with praise for their maids as they saved him much embarrassment as his room most definitely was messy before he left.

"Oh, that would be amazing, and thank you for the honesty I feel as sometimes most of the princes I met have lies up their sleeve to make them look better so the honesty you showed is nice Casimir" feeling the happiness surge in his chest Casimir couldn't hold back as he hugged Alexandra tightly wanting to feel every inch of her up against him.

Not wanting to stop Casimir decided to see what his princess might be thinking as he definitely didn't want to push anything uncomfortable either.

Seeing her heated face Casimir decided to test the waters just a little and bring her face closer before pushing her hair away from her neck as he went in looking one last time to see for any discomfort or a nod for no or yes.

Waiting for her go-ahead he finally got a nod from her and an answer of yes was said aloud, hearing the answer as well Casimir dived in towards her neck instead of her face giving a little suction on her neck.

* Ok, I am sorry I will be stopping it here as this will be saved for the next chapter oh, don't worry you will get that chapter probably right after this so just hold on tight as things are going to get steamy next chapter, see you guys next time in "Heated touches" ooo things are getting a steamy bye my little bears*

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