So this is love

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Alexandra's P.O.V

I'm beginning to feel that I understand my parent's love and how they have been able to stay together for so long. 

Watching Casimir as he helps the people with carrying heavy soil for the farmers, or talking about the different ways that the farmers market can make money, and even with some kids who asked him to play tag was something I never thought I would fall in love with.

With Casimir, I fell in love with everything he has done from our time at my castle to the time now at his castle I have found different details to admire about Casimir and the feeling of love surged through me every time I look at him.

Every time Casimir looks at me I feel the sheer amount of love he has for me showing on his face, from the cute small smiles to the shining of his eyes I have seen the many times he has looked at me with that look, the look of love.

 Walking around to new shops people have put up for the market I can see they have a variety of everything even more than what my people show off during farmer market day.

Looking at the different foods, animals, jewelry, and beautiful dresses I got excited to try some of these things on.

Deciding to stop at the dress shop first I asked if Casimir wanted to come with me, it may have been a dress shop but, sometimes they do have new suits for men.

"Look at this dress isn't it beautiful?" I turn to Casimir voicing my thoughts not really thinking that he may answer the actual question. 

*Dress Alexandra is looking at*

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*Dress Alexandra is looking at*

"That dress would be beautiful especially if you are the one wearing it." Casimir knew the best way to make my heart flutter, looking at the dress a little more I see that it was very expensive which usually isn't a problem however I don't like wasting important money that could be used for our kingdom.

Deciding I didn't need it, I was about to look around a bit more until Casimir stopped me by my arm. Looking down I wondered what Casimir needed.

"Yes, Casimir?" I wondered what he needed.

"Don't you want the dress?" Casimir quirked his eyebrow at me in wonder as to why I am not buying it, I know I am a royal but, my kingdom is little and we don't get as much money as the rest of the bigger kingdoms as my father isn't one for being super rich.

Don't get me wrong we are rich but, I have always seen money as a necessity to make the kingdom better and not as something I need to use for myself even if I want it.

My father actually doesn't understand why I don't buy more stuff for myself I just felt the need not to even if I wanted to.

"Yes, but it's not something I need so why waste money on it not that it isn't beautiful I just don't know what I will wear it to." which was also true I do love parties and celebrations I just don't feel like always dressing up and so I don't I do sometimes when I want to I just don't have much for party gowns.

" Oh, goodness princess let me buy it for you." I stare at him like he grew a second head no, I will not have him buy it for me.

"No, we may need the money, later on, what if something happens to either kingdom we may need the money to fix." This was true I know Casimir's family is very rich but, that money should be used accordingly.

" Princess, I am going to buy it for you, I want to buy it for you, and when it comes to money once we get both or one of the kingdoms I will use the money that has been there since my great-great-grandfather from his side escapades around the world. I will use it how I want now for the rest of our lives no fight about money I know how to use it properly while also knowing when to treat thyself. Let me treat you, princess." Before I could even say a word Casimir grabbed the dress showed the seller and asked if that was the right price to which the seller said yes.

Casimir then took out his wallet and gave the correct amount of money before I could make a case as to why we should save it.

Instead of hating the idea of him buying it for me, I smile as he hands me the dress.

"Thank you, Casimir. I love it." I will always appreciate the sentiment of someone buying me things, I just don't always like it when they do.

"You are welcome princess, I hope that wearing it makes you feel like the precious diamond that you are." Casimir is always there with the cheesiness.

Carrying the dress around we look at the rest of the shops as I praise all the different varieties everyone had, making sure to look at each one thoroughly before deciding if I want it.

After it was all said and done, I had not only the dress but some new books, some amethyst jewelry to go with the dress a bracelet, and a necklace.

After it was all said and done, I had not only the dress but some new books, some amethyst jewelry to go with the dress a bracelet, and a necklace

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I was just happy to be spending time with Casimir but, everything he got made me feel so happy, to be taken care of was something I thought I wouldn't want.

While we were leaving I saw him get one more thing at the table but, decided not to ask what it was as it seemed to be a surprise for someone. 

With Casimir, though I love it, I love being treated like a princess and having time spent on me.

I hope in the future I can give the same amount of time and treatment to Casimir after we are married and we made it into royalty I will spend all the time in the world with Casimir forever and I can't wait.

*Alright my readers, that is it for this chapter we are getting there to the end I hope everyone has been having a good time reading this book next time we see some lovey-dovey action from these two see you later my little bears* 

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