Dumb Feelings

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Alexandra's P.O.V

After a night of dreams, Alexandra has been thinking all morning about what she may or may not feel for Casimir.

So with all the thinking Alexandra was doing she still hasn't figured out what she may feel for Casimir, she knows she likes him but, how far does that feeling go does she just like him because she likes him touching her?

Does she like him because of how easy it has been talking to him about anything and everything?

Or does she just want the goal that is ahead of her at the moment and that has come with fake feelings because life with Casimir means a life with both thrones to rule?

AH, Alexandra bangs her head against the table gently which concerns her mother.

"Darling, are you alright?" Her mother Daria asked in the most worried Alexandra had ever heard from her mother considering what she just did couldn't blame her mother for the concern.

"Mother, how did you know when you fell in love with my dad?" Alexandra hoped from the long-term relationship her parents have had that her mother can give her some kind of advice during this confusing time.

"Well, this wouldn't be about a certain boy who is the son of one of my long-term friends would it?" 

Alexandra looked at her mother with annoyance as that was one of the stupidest questions she has ever heard, of course, it is who else has she been around to create any type of feeling for besides Casimir?

"Well of course mother who else would I find very attractive, and spend so much time with to create some type of feelings for them." Alexandra rolled her eyes secretly as her head was turned away from her mother since it was still on the table, otherwise, she wouldn't dare try to roll her eyes in front of her mother she knows all too well what would happen.

"Oh, no one else wanted to spend time with you?" Alexandra saw her mother laughing as she knew who her mother was talking about which made her groan.

*ah* Alexandra groaned so loud she felt like even her castle and country heard her from this far away.

"Mom, ew, no that boy will never be someone I have feelings for let's be serious here can you please answer my question, how did you know that you were in love with dad?" Alexandra really wanted to learn this as it might help her with the dumb feelings and what she should do with them.

"Let's see" Her mother looked up probably thinking back to the times of the dates and lovey-dovey ness her father showed during their times of dating.

After a few minutes of her mother thinking, Alexandra finally got the answer she has been looking for.

"The first time I really know I was in love with your father was right after our first date, of course, I had some liking towards him, however, I knew after he showed me all of his sides just on that one date, he made me laugh, he made me smile, he comforted me, we were able to talk for hours upon hours without a care in the world and when I was dropped off at home and he walked me back to my room I knew right then that I didn't want him to leave." Her mother smiled as she was talking, Alexandra loved to see her parent's love as something she wants to strive to have.

She just doesn't know when she would have that but, she knows that she wants it with Casimir.

"Thank you mother, that definitely helped with how I look at what I may or may not be having right now and put it in a different perspective." Alexandra smiled as this helped with the confusion of her feelings toward Casimir.

Of course, she loves when they bicker, but she also loved the sides of him that would just laugh and not always try and provoke her in any certain whether with him being annoying or loving, another thing she knows is that she never felt mad being with Casimir. Annoyed yes but, never mad.

 Now, the plan they have right now is something she longer wants, or at least they have the plan and can just stay together and see where life would take them.

Alexandra wants adventure and loves all at the same time and Casimir most certainly can provide that, she wants Casimir to provide that and doesn't want anyone else to come and wreck what may happen.

The only person she can see wrecking their plans has left but, she knows that Nuisance will return so she has to be careful when seeing Richard again as he will surely try something and ruin their plans.

Alexandra may also try to just have a plan of her own as she wants Casimir for herself especially after getting a perspective from her mother about love. She knows for certain that she is completely in love with Casimir.

So the only thing to do with these dumb feelings is put them in play, and make sure that Casimir falls in love with her and nobody else.

She also needs to keep Richard away so he won't ruin plans with his utter infatuation with her which makes her shudder just thinking about that.

Alexandra needs to keep the goal in mind having Casimir at her side will just be a bonus instead of a loss, thinking about it now she may have always had some feelings for that boy.

No matter the end goal is in sight and she won't let anything get in the way, not her parents, not Richard, not even Casimir himself unless he really doesn't like her like that.

Alexandra will keep her spirits up and the goal forever in her mind until it has all been achieved then she and Casimir may truly start a life together and no faking will be needed.

*Well, it seems both Casimir and Alexandra might be on the same page for the relationship let's hope nothing and no one plans to mess it up  cough*Richard*cough cough, ahem anyway I believe both are now getting an understanding of their feelings I wonder what will be in store for our couple see you guys next time in "The goal" well let's see if the goal will soon be attained for our couple bye my Little Bears* 

*Well, it seems both Casimir and Alexandra might be on the same page for the relationship let's hope nothing and no one plans to mess it up  cough*Richard*cough cough, ahem anyway I believe both are now getting an understanding of their feelings I...

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