Quiet hangout

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*At the library*

Alexandra's P.O.V

Being in the library brings me joy, reading a novel with a great plot is something I live for reading gives me peace of mind and enjoyment however, I have no faith in having quiet this time around as I have an annoyance joining me.

Casimir has been with me nonstop today and I could no longer stand his chattiness, though I am in no way saying I didn't have any fault in him acting in that way I will say he grinds my nerves up until they are practically made of dust.

Being around him already had my nerves haywire but, now they are practically nothing. Nothing can stop me if his annoyance happens during our time in the library as I require quiet in my safe space.

"Well, princess this is a nice place but, I don't want to hang here it's boring." Casimir opened his mouth and I had to stop myself from jumping over and shutting him up... oh that didn't come out right.

"Casimir, I need you to be quiet please?"

"I could, but how am I supposed to be quiet when I am bored." Casimir pouted at me as if his being bored is my fault.

"Casimir we have already discussed that if you are so bored go find something to do, or if you want to hang out with me go find a book that amuses you or maybe gives the knowledge to help you to be useful." Alexandra needed Casimir to be quiet as she wanted to read this book and finish it, she really doesn't mind having his company but, in a library where he has to be quiet she has doubts about his ability and for good reason, as you can tell throughout their times hanging out together Casimir was never quiet.

" Alright, I understand maybe there is something that can give me more insight into how this kingdom is run. I will give all the credit of how this country is fabulous in running itself he is an amazing leader and so he must have written something in how he does it." Casimir said with a gleam in his eye, seems how her father was as a leader did more than make an impression on her but, also on Casimir.

"Really, well if that's the case I know where most of the books he wrote when creating this kingdom and how to make it thrive while being so small, I know where all the books about him and the country he has led are. I can show you where to find them?"

"Please princess, if you are willing to show me these books I promise more than ever to be quiet for the rest of the day," Casimir said in a begging tone, Alexandra thought for a moment that he was bluffing and was just pulling her leg but, she can see in his face he was serious about learning more about her father and his ways of running things which she found quite admiring.

"Alright, follow me I will show you the entire section and once you found all the books you think you might need you can join me as long as you do so quietly if you are going to read aloud do so quietly do you understand Casimir?" Alexandra looked at him seeing him shake his head in agreement she smiles and shows him where they keep the books on her father.

Showing Casimir all the different types of books and what they were about Alexandra walks back to her spot as she goes back to reading.

Looking at all the usual books Alexandra felt the atmosphere and how quiet it was not, that Casimir always talking is a bad thing but, she honestly likes this quiet hang with him, he doesn't feel the need to fill the empty space as usual and she can see when she looks at him that he was truly intrigued by her father and she sees him read all about the history and how King Gabriel founded this country and made it what it is today a thriving community and a beautiful kingdom.

Alexandra quite likes that book as she loves hearing this story especially if it came right from her father, she remembers whenever it was bedtime she would ask for the story of how this kingdom was founded and how her father did everything to make it thrive.

She admires his tenacity to make something from nothing and expand it into what it is today, in some manner compared to other kingdoms it is quite small however those other kingdoms have generations of royalty to help make it thrive as her kingdom only has her father that helped it thrive and prosper.

Alexandra should also mention that Gabriel and her father Phillip knew each other beforehand way back in their younger years as they have always gone to school, although they come from different backgrounds, if you ask her it wasn't by much, they both had a way of making themselves into the world of royalty and each created their name.

Her father came from the middle class as king Gabriel was already born into royalty. That's how her father's kingdom also got the attention of the Fye empire as his kingdom thrived so well and finding out about the connection they decided to stay close as allies.

That is why combining them now would be weird, she doesn't know how this quiet hangout got her thinking this much but, she does find this weird that each parent wants the kingdoms to come together.

Alexandra doesn't know why the sudden need to have their kids married all she knows is feelings or not she isn't ready to be married even if it would be for a year Alexandra doesn't want to be married so suddenly, she wants more time with Casimir and she doesn't even know if she actually likes him or not.

Every time they hangout she wanted just to pull her hair out as Casimir has annoyed her, when they were younger she doesn't know how she had wanted to hang out with him each time but, she decided to squash all child feelings down so she doesn't even know if the weird feelings she has been having are even real or not.

Feeling her brain about to burst she looks up to see Casimir done with all the books he picked out, she didn't know how long she has been out of it but, she won't think anymore.

Alexandra will stay focused as this won't be about any weird feelings she may or may not have for Casimir.

Eyes on the prize are what she will remind herself of if any more weird feelings start to show all she needs to worry about is the future of running her own kingdom by herself may or may not slip away if she does anything to damage this plan.

Stay focused, push feelings and Casimir aside and just brace for the goal to come is all Alexandra needs to remind herself, so hopefully, nothing unexpected or surprising happens tomorrow.

She prays that nothing will happen tomorrow or stuff will start getting messy and Alexandra can't have that.

*Oh, Alexandra seems to be thinking about many things I hope she figures everything out in time, I wonder what is to come next maybe Alexandra needs to be warier than she is now as something unexpected will come her way tomorrow lets pray she won't accidentally lose her mind or will it leave her breathless... hehe see you next time in "unexpected kisses" ooo what is to come for this "fake" couple hehe bye* 

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