Offer you can't refuse

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Alexandra's P.O.V

It has already been a day since Richard arrived and I already want to die. Not only has he been a demanding little idiot but, he has been extra creepy with his showing of "Affection" for me.

Trying my best to avoid him at all costs I try to stay near Casimir but, there have been some moments where I am alone as Casimir needs to do his princely duties and can't always be by me.

Before Richard arrived I would be fine with this as it gives me time alone and I can be in their library just reading, but now it has been ruined.

"Where are you going, Alexandra?" Richard annoyingly ask making me groan and ignore him hoping he would get the hint.

Forgot he was an idiot and can't take a hint.

"Mind if I join you?" Richard ask and since I want him nowhere near I decide to answer hoping he will take it and leave me alone.

"Yes, I mind so if you may, please leave me alone" I walk a bit more briskly towards my destination hoping to no longer have this utter nuisance follow me.

"I am going to join you anyway" Richard kept following me to the library as I sighed annoyed at the universe for not being in my favor, Why just why.

Ignoring his presence as much as I can, I fly into the library to find the usual spot I grew accustomed to and read my book hoping that Richard has gotten bored and left me by now.

"So, you like to read books?" Guess he doesn't get bored how unfortunate for me.

"Yes," I plan to make this the shortest conversation to date as I don't want to be around him or converse anymore than my mother makes me do.

"What kind of books do you like to read?" hearing that, I knew this conversation wouldn't have a nice happy ending as I want it to.

"Mainly mystery or fantasy" if I keep the answers nice and simple I feel like he would leave.

"Wow, I suspected you to be more of a romance type reader at least that is what every girl I have had the chance of meeting and dating has been into, which means you are different and I like that," Richard said in the most disgusting way.

Rolling my eyes from the bad "flirting" if you can call putting down other women to make me look like I would be his ideal woman, then I guess you should call Casimir's flirting a marriage proposal. 

Thinking of Casimir I smile as I wish he didn't have to be with his father today doing paperwork and whatever else they do in that big office.

As I think of Casimir I feel myself drift off into dreamland where I make a nice life with Casimir, it looked so nice and so close that I didn't want to accidentally reach out and have it disappear. I just want to stay here and hope this will get me through the rest of Richard's visit.

"Alexis, are you listening to me? Hey snap out of it Alexis"

Snapping out of my nice dreamland I look across the table we must have been seated at, although I don't remember that, I see Richard looking at me weirdly which makes me sneer at him.

How dare he take me out of my nice dreamland just to be judged by his disgusting judgemental self.

"Richard I do not care what you have to say, I wish you would leave me alone but, no you have to just annoy me as I try and be in my nice dreamland." I hate this so much that I can't wait for him to leave.

"Well then, that is a shame," Richard said in a tone to probably intrigue, and guess what it won't work.

"too bad go away" I pray for this to be the reason he leaves me alone for the rest of the time.

"Don't you want to know what I was trying to talk about while you were off in dreamland?" Richard looked at me thinking I would be invested now to know but, nope I just go back to my book.

"Hey, Alexandra, hey" Richard would not leave me alone so I just decide to give this annoying gremlin some of the attention he yearns for.

"What?" Feeling tired just from having Richard around me.

"I have an offer you can't refuse will you give me the time to tell you what it is?" It seemed like Richard was holding a key to something I need however he holds no such thing and just planned to waste my time.

However, I know Casimir is with his dad still which means I would be bored anyway, didn't hear that from me though, so I let Richard know he has a few minutes to use.

"You can have five minutes to "intrigue" me and then I will be leaving and you will NOT follow me understand." I do not need this nuisance around me the whole day so I will let him have some time just so he can leave me alone. 

"Your time starts now". I try not to die from boredom just from Richard opening his mouth I am already annoyed.

"I have gotten more land over the last time we have seen each other, I know that the "romance" Casimir and you have is just fake so why don't you guys give up the ruse of the"love" you two have and let me try and win you over. I have more land now, more money, and I can give everything this world has to offer unlike Casimir what do you say, princess?" He finishes saying the nickname Casimir gave me and I shudder from the disgust from hearing it come from Richard.

Feeling for a second the urge to look back, I decided against it so I can quickly answer his question and to make sure he won't take advantage of my off-guardedness.

"No, I don't care if you have all the land and all the riches or if you give me everything I want you will never be able to give me what I need. I know for a fact no matter what Casimir and I are he would give me the best life I could ever ask for. He would be a better husband, ruler, and father than you would ever be just from looking at you I know how terrible of a provider you would be for me, Richard."

I see him try and retaliate what I had said as though it would never become true but, I am not finished Richard needs to realize I will never be with someone like him even if I was dying and he was the last cure I need I wouldn't take it.

"I have never liked you, I will never fall for someone like you I want a man to love me and you are no man you are just a child who unfortunately got the throne, I pity your people for having you as their ruler. I refuse your offer and you will leave me and Casimir alone for the rest of our lives goodbye Richard."

Before he could get a word out I walk away from him, feeling my heart pound with the excitement of telling that creep off. I can't wait to tell Casimir he will for sure get a kick out of it.

After leaving Richard as he probably sulked I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as I walk back to my bedroom.

Falling into my bed I let the sleep take over my body as I used every inch of energy I could provide to tell that idiot off, I can't wait to tell Casimir I am sure he will love my story we sure are going to laugh tomorrow.

I leave that last thought to enjoy my dreamland as I couldn't wait for everything I have ever dreamed of to soon become a reality.

*Done, well that must have felt nice for Alexandra although it seemed like someone may have heard part of the conversation and may take it differently than how Alexandra did, although he was here for a short time, I hope he never returns didn't like ah-ha anyway what will happen next chapter Why is Casimir acting weird? how is Alexandra going to find out? Will this affect their relationship? find out that and more in the next chapter called "Cold shoulder" Why are you acting so cold Casimir? anyway bye my little bears see you guys later*

*Done, well that must have felt nice for Alexandra although it seemed like someone may have heard part of the conversation and may take it differently than how Alexandra did, although he was here for a short time, I hope he never returns didn't li...

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