A wonderful speech

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Casimir's P.O.V

The party was going so well for being last-minute, mothers will always surprise at how much they can get done in such a short amount of time.

Enjoying the party was the most fun I have ever had, besides doing things with Alexandra. Looking at Alexandra I see her enjoying herself which makes me just so happy to see the love of my life, my absolute treasure, and soul enjoying herself.

Feeling a pair of eyes on my back I start to look around, taking my eyes off Alexandra I find the source of the feeling.

My mother was staring intently at me looking at the podium to me, making head and hand movements to indicate and suggest I go on stage.

Knowing what she and I talked about before she really wanted me to make a speech, she literally left me unprepared.

How thoughtful of my mother to be considerate of my unpreparedness as she made more gestures for me to get my butt up on stage.

Relenting I sigh as I make my way to the podium and clear my throat and try and get everyone's attention.

"Good evening everyone I would like to make an announcement." I really hope I don't mess anything up.

Looking around I see everyone's eyes up on me waiting for my words of love and happiness.

Clearing my throat I start the speech hoping to not come off as rushed but, poise and proper.

"Now, that I have everyone's attention I would like to start by saying thank you to my mother and mother-in-law for creating such an amazing party in this amount of time let's give them a round of applause." I made everyone clap as I got my thoughts together to at least make this a beautiful speech.

After they clapped the attention quickly returned back to me as I got prepared for this loving speech.

"I never thought I would ever see a day like this, where I will be getting married to the love of my life." I looked at Alexandra and breathed a sigh of relief as I got myself more relaxed.

"I have taken a journey with someone who at first couldn't get along with let's be honest but, over time I grew to love who she was day by day until I couldn't bear to have her not be a part of my life." I see her smile as tears start to roll down her cheeks.

"Alexandra my love, I can't wait to have a life with you and to be together as more than just rulers, as more than just parents, and as more than just lovers but, as best friends who will never be apart from each other ever again in life." I hear the aw's as I keep ahold of where I was making sure this speech didn't reveal too much of our beginnings.

"We may have not started off as people who liked each other in fact I will say that we were childhood enemies but, that just made our bond stronger than ever before."

I couldn't believe the speech and the words coming out of my mouth, even though they spoke the truth, I wonder how I made everything sound like  a beautiful scenery.

"Alexandra I promise for the rest of our lives, I will make you the happiest person on earth and that we will be together forever." I wondered how to finish this speech as people clapped and smiled, some made comments about my beautiful words, and others laughed and how we actually started.

"The last thing I want to say is, thank you Alexandra for making my life full of fun and if I had to do it all over again I wouldn't change us for the world, not our childhood, not our lives, and especially not that bet, I love you."

After finishing my speech I open my eyes to see a worried look on Alexandra, I also looked at the crowd as they were quiet as a mouse.

Wondering what I may have revealed I looked to my parents who had a furious look on their faces along with Alexandra's parents.

Realizing what I just said I tried and play it off the crowd I think may have bought it but, my parents surely did not.

I take a quick glance to find where Alexandra might be, I see her trying to hide behind the buffet table.

Making my way off-stage I go towards Alexandra hoping to get us out of here to come up with something to say to our parents so we wouldn't die.

I saw my mother coming over with what looked like steam coming out of her head and before I made it to Alexandra she and I were both taken by our mothers to a room that was far off from the party.

My father and Alexandra's father both made sure guards blocked the area as we were now going to get it from them.

"Well, I would like to start this off by saying that was a wonderful speech my boy, I am sorry that you were unprepared but, I guess it was a blessing in disguise do you mind telling me what that last sentence meant?" My mother asked as she leaned toward me with a look of fury.

I tried my best to get as small as I could and maybe block Alexandra from my mother's wrath however it didn't seem like a great option as her mother now asked questions.

"Alexandra, were you a part of a plan to bamboozle us?" I look towards Alexandra as she was trying to glance at the ground avoiding the question like I was.

Neither of us said anything as we surely didn't want to make more of a mess, this was going to be a long night.

*And done don't worry this thing will go on to the next two chapters but, the parents found out about something, the next one will be from Casimir's point of view again I wonder how long this interrogation will be and what Casimir might be thinking. Find out in the next chapter called "Oopsie" Yeah Casimir you made a big oopsie bye my little bears*

 Find out in the next chapter called "Oopsie" Yeah Casimir you made a big oopsie bye my little bears*

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