Do you love each other?

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Alexandra's P.O.V

The next morning has arrived and I carefully make my way downstairs to where the parents are all up and chatting.

Although last night we resolved everything it felt kind of weird when I walked into the dining hall, at the sound of the door all heads in the room spun towards me.

I noticed that it was just my mom and dad with Casimir's parents but, no Casimir. Which sucked I was hoping he was already up.

Deciding to eat and then go wake him I sat down at the table where Casimir's mother was staring at me intently. I love Isabella but, this staring was weird it made me a bit uncomfortable but, no worries my mother helped... by joining in on the staring helping Isabella in the work of making me just a little uncomfortable with the weird atmosphere.

Hoping they no longer would look at me or at best ignore them I decided to just stare down at the meal and eat hoping they would stop with the staring.

After eating for a few minutes I decided to look and saw they did not stop staring, hoping to avoid questions I went back to eating until I heard the door open again to reveal Casimir.

He looked like he had a great time being asleep however he got the same staring I have been dealing with I he took the spot that was across from me.

He looked at me to ask what is going on with his eyes but, I avoided that question at all costs as I had no idea what has been up with them.

"Well good morning children, I hope you had a good night's rest as you are going to need it." My mother spoke first making me feel a chill at her tone.

Hoping that this questioning won't last very long I prayed to our gods above to help me, but knowing my luck they will just ignore it.

"Good morning mother" I decided to go in slow making sure I could warm her up to not feel the wrath of whatever she is going to ask.

"Good morning queen Daria," Casimir spoke which made me believe that he tried to sweeten the blow of whatever questions they have by sweetening my mother up.

From my father's laugh, he could probably see as I what Casimir planned however it will most likely backfire on him.

"hm" Mother seemed to take a nice liking to the formality but it still wouldn't help Casimir.

I pray for him as he should pray for me if he knows anything about his mother as I have only seen the sweet sincere side.

"Good morning Isabella" I decided against formalities hoping to just keep the relationship I had gotten from Isabella.

"Oh, good morning deary hope you had a nice sleep?" Smiling I liked that she even asked making me believe I was good and in the clear with both parents.

"Yes, I had a wonderful sleep how about you?" I decided to keep the convo going not really thinking anything would backfire or blow up in my face.

"Oh so you had a great sleep?? that's unfortunate I would hope that you would be scared of what might happen this morning as we have many questions so you should be a bit worried." Isabella smiled at me as my face fell realizing no sweetening to either parent will help in this situation.

Next to me, I heard a tinkle of laughter but, that abruptly stopped once Isabella gave quite a stare towards Casimir who was laughing.

Seeing his mother's face his whole demeanor dropped as he got quiet again. I tried not to laugh as I know my mother would give the same thing to me as Isabella is giving to her son.

"Oh, and to answer your question dear I had a beautiful night's rest." Isabella went back to her meal as I nervously laughed and went back to mine.

The whole atmosphere was tight and weary as the two mothers evilly enjoyed their meals liking that we were squirming in our seats.

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