The Ultimatum

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Alexandra's P.O.V

It has been 2 months since Casimir and his family have been here and it has gone terribly, bickering and pranking have gone on longer than they probably should have, and although we now have a truce I have noticed Casimir's and my parents have been acting weird.

First, they have been discussing nonstop but, when Casimir and I are with them they are quiet as a mouse and it's starting to irritate me to no end.

Today has been normal, so I don't know what is going on in the mind of those four adults but, whatever is I hope it doesn't involve me.

"Alexandra, Casimir may we talk to you two?" Isabella said with a twinkle in her eye and a laugh upon her lips, it's freaking me out.

"Alright Isabella"

"Okay mom"

Casimir and I look at each other glaring for talking at the same time.

*Ahem* I hear Isabella clearing her throat indicating we should be quiet

"Follow me" I sabella starts walking out the door giving no question that both of us should follow quietly and quickly.

Walking at a nice pace I start wondering what is it that they are going to talk about, what is so important now that each set of parents wants to talk to us the children.

Did we do something wrong? I mean we called off the prank war which should be helpful in pleading our case that we will be good for the rest of the visit.

Are we in need to help planning something?

Maybe it's good and not bad hopefully I pray anyhow, that my mom doesn't have a mad face on her when we walk in otherwise I can say goodbye to my life... "Here lies princess Alexandra a brat with a mouth she couldn't shut and has very unladylike behavior nothing her mother taught her would ever stick in the dumb brain of hers anyway she will be missed."

I wonder if I would be missed or will my parents rejoice in glee... Nah they love me, at least I think they do.

After my thought train went south I looked and noticed we were in the dining hall with both parents now seated at the table with stoic expressions on their faces. Noticing this I look to see if Casimir was still standing, seeing as he was I deduced we probably were not asked to be seated yet, and now the waiting game has begun.

Standing and waiting is not my thing I am not a person who wants to stand if you ask me what I would rather do die or stand I will choose to die as standing is not for me nor my feet.

After a bit too long of standing, King Gabriel told us to take a seat as we have an important business discussion so taking my chance I properly and calmly choose a seat for my best interest which would have been away from Casimir.

However, Casimir did not agree with me and decided to sit his bottom right next to mine as we wait for the rest of what his father had to say.

"Alright, now that you both are seated I will have my wife tell you why both of you are here today," Gabriel says with a smile towards his wife not liking the look she was giving back however all he did was nonchalantly ignore it.

Sighing Isabella clears her throat and looks towards her son and the beautiful girl as they will soon have a choice to make that will break their little hearts, oh well.

"Right, so all of us have decided that we have had enough of your bickering with each other..." 

Before she could go on Casimir butts in which he later regrets.

"Mother honestly our bickering has come to an end we made a truce it is merely banter at this point I think we are fine now-" And just like he did with his mother, Isabella buts in her sons' sentence silencing any more of his words that were to come out of his mouth.

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