Chapter 5: The pool house.

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Reign's POV.

I prayed that the weekend wouldn't come but then...

It came.

Luke's family vacation house is only a thirty minute drive in Garrett's truck, Ariana called shotgun while I'm stuck with Luke and Mason in the back.

Mason and Luke made me sit in the middle because I'm small, Mason is currently napping throughout the ride, resting his heavy head on my shoulder and snoring like a grandpa while Luke is snapping pictures of my misery and is telling me to beg him not to post them.

Usually, I wouldn't even pay any attention to him but he snapped those really bad ones, the kind that even I wouldn't want to look at for more than two times.

The horror.

This fucking birthday is a curse.

We get to the house before sun down and Ariana decides she wants to swim.

Now we're in the bathroom, changing into the swimsuits that she dragged me to go and buy with her yesterday.

She's telling me about how sweet and loving Garrett has been lately and that her life feels like a teen romance movie.

If my life was a movie, I'd probably be telling the viewers something like, this is not a love story, it's a story of a girl that proved to the world that love is indeed, overrated.

We're born alone.

We live alone.

We'll die alone.

The end.

There's no room for falling in love.

But it's real life so I only say these things in my head and I let people bullshit me about love and how awesome their silly relationships are.

She forces me to wear a white designer swimsuit that makes me feel like I'm going for a summer photoshoot, I put on my denim shorts over it to feel a little comfortable, Ariana calls me boring and I roll my eyes at her.

We march down the stairs, heading to the kitchen where we find the boys glued to one phone behind the counter, probably watching something I wouldn't want to know.

"Are you guys watching porn?" Asks Ariana, I snort a laugh because well, she's so straightforward.

They look up at the same time.

Garrett widens his eyes.

Mason smiles.

Luke raises his brows.

We look like pornstars, I knew it.

I cross my arms over my chest as an attempt to hide the nipples that are trying to dig a hole through the material of the swimsuit. Embarrassing.

Ariana on the other hand, flips her long brown hair, aching her chest and asking them what they think about her sexy red swimsuit.

Like I said, she's so straightforward.

Garrett rounds the counter and walks towards us- her, he lifts her and she wraps her legs around his waist and they start making out, I make a face while Luke and Mason start making wolf whistles, cheering them on.

Kill me.

Garrett walks them out of the kitchen and climbs the stairs while I inch towards the counter.

Mason looks at my arms over my chest and he grins while Luke gives me a blank stare, or maybe I just can't read his expression.

"What exactly are you trying to hide?" Luke half laughs, staring at my hands.

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