Chapter 47: Den Of Sharks.

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Two weeks later.

Luke's POV.

Damien usually disappears on me whenever we're hanging out at his place, I don't complain though, I've actually been doing alright hanging out by myself.

Weed, Netflix, video games, booze, food. Repeat.

I'm living my best life.

I didn't even know how much I needed this, I'll admit that ignoring people that I've been friends with for so long has been hard, I didn't even give them an explanation, I just stopped sitting with them at lunch, and I made sure to be a total asshole to Garrett and Mason during football practice.

Reign and I share a lot of classes but I put a distance between us by sitting at the back of every class but then the shittiest thing happened last Friday, I bumped into her in the hallway and she dropped her books, how cliche of the universe, I helped her pick them up from the floor and we looked into each other's eyes.

I was internally praying for her not to say anything but then she did.

She said, "Hi."

I responded with a low, "Hey," then I stood and I awkwardly walked away, leaving her to it.

Yeah, so, I lied, my life sucks right now but not to worry, I can smell graduation and college.

I look around the quiet and dark theater based movie room, I look to my front, at the screen, watching a comedy action movie.

I hear Damien's voice somewhere in the house followed by a girl's laughter.

He brought a girl... Again.

He's really having his fun, unlike me.

After Reign, I haven't really felt like mingling with girls.

The door opens behind me, I sigh before turning to look.

Ariana stands at the door, she looks at me and smiles, I smile back.

"What are you doing here?"

She literally runs to where I'm sitting, she sits on my lap and engulfs me into her embrace.

I close my eyes and I breathe her in.

I didn't know I needed a hug.

"I missed you." She whispers.

"Really? What did you miss about me?" I breathe out a laugh.

"Everything." She pulls away.

"I see." I nod.

She sighs, scratching her cheek and looking hesitant.

"Reign explained why you don't want to hang out with us anymore." She informs.

"Yeah?" My heart hammers.

"Yep, I can't believe I didn't notice, you guys disappeared together all the time." She laughs, I force a smile, remembering all the times we disappeared together and how she insisted on driving my car every time.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I say.

"It's okay, what matters right now is you, how have you been?" She sounds concerned.

"Good, I miss you but I'll live."

"This sucks." She whines, "Reign should have left, not you." She says frustratedly, I decide to ignore her comment.

"And you? Did you get back with Garrett?" I change the subject.

"We broke up again, he cheated on me while we were broken up, can you believe that?" She exclaims.

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