Chapter 22: Again?

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Reign's POV.

It's Wednesday evening, which means I'm on serving duty and Peter is on cashier duty.

I love being on cashier duty, it doesn't require a lot of work and I don't get to communicate or socialize with people that much, plus, I get to see and hold money frequently even though it's not mine.

But wednesdays never rule in my favor.

I take the two vanilla special milkshake orders to the couple seated at the far back of the shop, they're the only customers left and I think the dude's gonna propose to the red head, he asked if we do those silly celebrations when two people get engaged but I said no, which is a lie.

We do them but only when the manager is around and he's so not around right now, thank God.

And why propose to someone in a tiny milkshake shop? That's so not romantic.

I balance the tray in one hand, placing the milkshakes on their table, the redhead smiles at me thankfully while the guy nervously stares at her, clearly debating on whether or not he should do it.

I hug the red tray against my chest, turning on my heel and walking back to the counter.

The bell above the door jiggles, Ariana and Luke walk in, laughing and chatting.

My insides freeze a little at the sight of Luke, we haven't exactly talked since last Friday night.

We've basically been ignoring each other completely for some unknown reason and I was kinda hoping that it would stay that way for the rest of the school year.

They take the usual booth by the window, Ariana flashes me a smile and waves, Luke doesn't even look in my direction.

I don't have to serve them, right?

"Oh my God." Ariana exclaims, looking passed me.

I immediately turn around, widening my eyes at the scene.

Holy shit he's stupidly going through with it, he's actually on his knees, asking her to marry him.

I pull out my phone from the apron pocket, filming this disaster, I'm calling it a disaster because the girl is clearly taking her time with that answer and she looks uncomfortable and horrified.

I'm not gonna post it or anything, I'm just gonna watch it every time I need a good laugh.

"Oh my God, lady, say something!" Ariana pushes.

"Don't push her." I look at Ari over my shoulder.

The longer the video, the better.

"Uhm," she starts, scratching her head. I lock down my incoming laughter, "I'm sorry, Jeff," She grabs her jacket, getting to her feet and literally rushing out of the place, leaving her boyfriend on his knees.

Yeah, I got all of that on video, the guy's sad face too.

"Do you think she has a lover?" I ask the confused looking man, slipping my phone back in my apron pocket.

"What?" He narrows his eyes at me as he stands up.

"Reign!" Ari shouts.

"What? Why else wouldn't she wanna marry him?" I lift my shoulders.

The man pulls out his wallet. "Drinks on the house for newly engaged couples, man, keep it." I wave him off.

He blinks at me.

"Oh, okay." He shoves his wallet back in his pocket and I watch him as he starts walking out of the shop.

"Good luck!" I shout after him and he walks out.

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