Chapter 24: Forced Vacation.

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Luke's POV.

"This view is insane," My sister Cassandra takes a picture of the ocean as the swirling waves crash against the shore.

I'm guessing it's for her Instagram followers who have nothing else to do with their lives, well, other than stalk rookie celebrities like her.

"The view is the insane part to you? How about the fact that our mother forced us to come on this stupid family vacation in the middle of a school semester?" I point out.

"Why are you surprised? Mom always pulls shit like this when she and Dad have a big fight, it's a way of telling herself that her life is not so bad." She leans her head back on the lounge chair and closes her eyes.

"Yeah, well, instead of dragging me into their shit, they should see a couple's therapist or better yet, get a god damn divorce like every other broken marriages out there," I push my sunglasses to the bridge of my nose, raising my brows at the tall half naked brunette modeling towards the beach bar area, "Damn," I stare at her curvy ass.

Miami is the shit.

"You're into brunettes now?" I hear Zoe ask, I look at her, clearing my throat and adjusting my sunglasses.

"I'm into all hair colors," I respond, she laughs.

"Untrue, everyone has a type but you have a type," she giggles.

"Like everyone else, yeah," I whisper underneath my tone, "As I was saying, Cass, our parents don't love each other anymore and our mother is fucking depressed, that woman needs help," I say, she rolls her eyes at me.

"They love each other just fine, Luke, you don't know anything about them cause you're never around them." She says.

"Gee, Cassandra, you hear yourself?"

"Can we talk about anything other than our fucked up family?" She asks, shielding her face with her hand and squinting her eyes.

"Like what?" I sigh, looking up at the bright sun through my glasses.

"I have a feeling that you don't know he's gonna be here." She says.

"Who?" I try to sound invested.

"Wesley." She says the name with a smirk on her face, that name makes me wanna fucking scream my lungs out.

"Who's that?" I act dumb.

"Our brother, the young and successful entrepreneur, I know you saw the article about him." She half laughs, nudging me.

"Young and successful my ass." I bring myself to my feet.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"I need a drink." I respond without looking back.

I really don't wanna be here but I could definitely get used to sandy beaches, warm beautiful weather and hot chicks with nice asses.

I reach the open bar, the girl from earlier is sitting on a stool, drinking a strawberry margarita in a highball glass and a little umbrella on it.

I take the third seat away from hers, ordering three shots of vodka, thankfully the bartender doesn't ask for my ID, he goes straight to fetch my drink.

I feel her eyes on the side of my face but I pull out my phone instead of giving her my attention.

Not exactly in the mood for pussy today.

There are four missed calls and five texts from Mason.

I scroll through the texts.

Pretty boring but one text catches my attention.

Love Is Overrated Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora