Chapter 9: Do I look like a side chick?

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Reign's POV.

I don't remember the last time I walked the school halls and felt like I was missing something.


I told myself that I didn't need them anymore, I promised myself that I didn't need them anymore.

They turned their backs on me and we could never come back from that.

I make my way to the cafeteria, waving and greeting almost everyone as I go. I hate how I'm known by a lot of people but I don't even recognize the majority of those people. I'm popular for literally no good reason.

I get my food and search for a table.

My eyes land on where I usually sit, they're all there.

Mason has a cheerleader sitting on his lap, Garrett and Ariana are lost in their world of lust and Luke is on his phone.

Ariana turns her head to me and our eyes meet, she smiles at me and I immediately roll my eyes, dragging my gaze somewhere else.

"Reign Miller." A heavy arm rests on my shoulder. I look up at a smiling Zane Harris, his curly blonde hair flopping on his forehead.

"Hey you," I smile back.

I'll have you know that Zane is one of those really cute guys who I did, in fact, make out with behind the bleachers during his football practice in junior Year but it was just a phase.

He leads me to his table which consists of more popular kids.

Kill me.

We take our seats next to each other but no one around the table acknowledges us due to the fact that they are all engaged in a deep argument.

"So.." Zane starts in a whispery tone, "You and Luke, huh?" He asks, staring at me.

Feeling a little confused, I furrow my brows at him, "What do you mean?"

"I saw you leaving the theater together, Saturday night," He reminds me, I find myself laughing at that.

Well, I don't blame him. Once Luke and I stepped out of the theater, I asked him if I could drive his car, he said no but I kept insisting and the argument went as far as me refusing to get in the car and him literally carrying me to the passenger side door like a new born baby.

Geez, he's so dramatic.

But, I guess some couples do shit like that.

"I'll have you know that two friends are capable of going to see a movie together." I educate him.

"Friends? He cut off your hair during sophomore year and you kneed him in public that one time." He laughs, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement.

I clench my teeth at the reminder of Luke cutting my hair, I blame Mr Davidson for that one, making him sit behind me every time during English just so we could 'get along' more.

Him cutting my hair with those scissors was the biggest nightmare of my life.

"Don't remind me, let's talk about something else," I change the subject.

"Like what?" He chuckles, biting on an apple.

"You and your love life," I sigh, tearing the tomato sauce sachets with my teeth and adding to my fries until they are bloody red.

"Why emphasize the word love?" He watches me.

"I don't know, it just came out," I shrug the lie.

He nods in understanding, dusting his hands before leaning over towards me, his eyes traveling passed me.

I turn my head to follow his gaze.

Jasmine Diaz, AKA Mason's crush.

Of course.

The girl has every guy and girl's attention, hell even I stare at her like that sometimes.

"Heard she's dating Kyle Ripley." I shoot my eyes back to Zane as I bite down on a fry.

"She is but I also heard that he treats her like shit so the clock is obviously ticking, she'll dump his ass any day from now." He wipes something from my lower lip with his thumb and he sucks it clean.

I smile at his determination.

"You do realize that you're not the only one who wants her, right?" I say with my mouth full.

"I'm aware but I'm obviously the one with bigger and better game." He says in a duh tone.

"You're not going to win over her while sitting on your ass and watching her from a far," I point out, he smirks.

"Good idea." He responds, standing on his seat like he's about to pass an announcement.

"Hey!" He shouts, drawing attention to himself, "Party at my house this Friday!" He announces and everyone cheers.

He sits down and looks at me.

"Better?" He wiggles his eyebrows, stealing a fry from my tray.

"If she won't be stuck to the villain the entire night." I say.

"She won't, and you're gonna show, right?" He asks.

"I don't know," I purse my lips in thought.

"You're showing up, Reign Miller, no argument," He shakes his head at me.

"Maybe I might," I lift my shoulder. He leans over to me again like he doesn't want anyone to hear what he's about to say next.

"Show and I just might change my mind about jasmine," he tucks my hair behind my ear and plays with my earlobe. "You and I have a little unfinished business, remember?" He traces my chin seductively.

I fight back the urge to roll my eyes at him. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with what he's doing, in fact, I'm supposed to be enjoying this but I'm not, I always feel turned off when a guy pulls this kind of shit.

"Do I look like a side chick?" I joke or maybe I want him to believe it's a joke. I'm actually dead serious, the worst thing a girl could ever become is a fucking side chick.

He takes it as a joke by laughing, I manage to plaster a fake smile.

"No, baby girl, you're destined for a much greater position." He says.

He called me baby girl. Yuck.

"Exactly." I agree with his statement either way.

"So, you'll show?" He asks yet again.

I guess it wouldn't hurt if I took a break from my fucked up life and had a little fun.

"If you spare a bottle of vodka just for me, yes." I nod.

"Deal." He stretches out his hand, I shake it, smiling.

Love Is Overrated Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora