Chapter 13: Stuck in your own life.

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Luke's POV.

I'm woken up by the sound of someone rustling through my things, I open my eyes and find my sister Cassandra flipping everything over, I lay my head back down, noticing the bottle of vodka right above my head and I realize that I fell asleep on the floor.

Mason and I went out drinking last night, we bumped into a couple of guys from our rival school and let's just say things didn't end well.

Cassandra knocks something over and it lands on the floor with the kind of noise that my head can't handle right now.

"Cassandra Richardson, what the hell are you doing in my room?" I mumble with my eyes closed, my voice sounds hoarse and my throat feels dry. I hear her steps drawing closer towards me.

I open my eyes, sitting up and resting my arms over my bent knees.

"Where's my book?" She crosses her arms over her chest.


I'm way too hungover for this.

"What book?" I act clueless, she rolls her eyes.

"Luke, I'm serious-"

"Luke," Mom opens my door and peeks her head inside.

"Seriously, what the fuck? you guys can't just walk in here like this, this is a bedroom, not a bathroom," I look back and forth between them.

Mom narrows her eyes at me, letting herself inside the room.

I sigh, looking up at Cassandra who's eyes are still searching the room for that book that clearly isn't here.

Mom kneels in front of me, holding my chin and scanning every part of my face, I jerk my head back in annoyance.

"Sweetheart, have you been using again?" She whispers, looking worried and concerned.

I huff.

"And here I was thinking you were actually going to say good morning," I respond, not meeting her eyes.

"Daddy's gonna kill you," Zoe comments, I send her a murderous glare.

"Fuck right off, Cassandra," I say to her.

"Don't talk to your sister like that," Mom raises her index finger warningly, my eyes drift back to her. "Now, walk into that bathroom, take a shower and be downstairs for breakfast," She orders, pointing towards my bathroom door.

"I'll pass on the breakfast part," I rise from the floor, Mom eyes the bottle before standing up and smoothing her silk robe.

"No, you won't. Your father wants you there," she says in a tired tone then she turns to look at Cassandra, "Both of you," she adds and walks out of my room.

"Now about the book-"

"Haven't seen it," I cut her off.

"But Luke, it's my favorite book," She whines.

"Do I give a shit? No, of course not," I squint my eyes at her, she groans frustratedly, angry walking out of my room and shutting the door with a bang.

I pick up my phone from my bed, first thing I find is a text from Maddie.

"Last night was fun, we should do it again."

Wait, I don't remember meeting Maddie or doing anything fun.

I scratch my head, shooting Mason a text.

"Did I smash Maddie Young?"

"And Harriet Cox."

I widen my eyes at the screen.

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