Chapter 12: Deal.

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Luke's POV.

I'm woken up by the buzzing sound of my phone. I open my heavy eyelids and I stare at the ceiling.

It's one of those mornings, the ones that make you feel nothing but emptiness.

I hate these kinds of mornings.

I twist my head to my side and I spot Mason fast asleep on the other sofa.

I sit up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and picking my phone from the coffee table.

One message from Mom.

I sigh before opening the message.

"Luke, where in God's name are you? You're supposed to fly to Florida with your father."

I roll my eyes, getting up, shoving the cell in my pocket and staring down at the almost empty bottle of whiskey on the table.

I sigh again, grabbing the bottle from the table and walking to the kitchen.

I hold the side of my head because it feels like it's gonna split in two.

I open the freezer, grabbing a bottle of orange juice, I pour a little in a glass cup then my eyes travel to the whiskey.

I chew on the inside of my lower lip, contemplating.

Fuck it.

I release the content in the orange juice, mixing it and having a sip.

Not bad.

The thing about horrible hang overs? They'll try to remind you of the events that went down the previous night...

C'mon, Reign, it's just one stupid kiss.

Fuck me dead.

"Why would I do that?" I mutter to myself, shutting my eyes in.... Cringe as I rub my forehead.

Reign? Dude, seriously? You don't even like the little shit.

I mean it's not like I wanted to kiss her, I was just drunk and confused and.. horny.

I haven't gotten laid in two weeks, I need to call Sasha or Dana or Tiana or maybe Maddie? Yeah, it has to be Maddie.

"Oh there he is," the voice makes me wince, I raise my gaze and I watch as she walks in at a stride with a mocking smile.

Her pink hair looks like she changes sleeping positions a hundred times in one night but her face doesn't look like someone who's just from sleeping, oh and let's not forget about the dress, no actually, let's forget about the dress.

She takes a seat on the kitchen counter, across from me and she applauds, I take a sip, looking away.

"Last night was Oscar worthy," She points at me, "I didn't know you had a soft spot for me, or should I say hard." She giggles, I drift my gaze to her, glaring.

"I was drunk," I defend myself, ripping my eyes away from her because the more I look at her, the more I'm reminded of last night and how small, soft and hot she felt in my hands, one inch closer and I would have had her mouth but she wouldn't let me.

Looking back, I think I'm glad she wouldn't let me.

Drunk me is so out of control, he needs to be put down.

"Yeah, let's blame it on the alcohol." She says, "Wanna rewind? Since you're not drunk right now?" Her tone sounds playful.

"Get out of my face, Reign, seriously." I snap, she laughs, slouching forward on the counter to grab my glass of orange juice. My eyes drop to her cleavage, displayed right in front of me.

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