Contest #7: To Laugh is to Live Winners

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Thank you all so much for participating, I enjoyed reading your entries! Many were amusing, but, as always, there are only a few winners.

Drum roll......

1st place: @Cindie_Girl

2nd place: @SublimeBook

3rd place: @TripleJxskittles

Congratulations! The winner can PM me to sort out their main prize. Here are the winning entries and why I chose them:

I was very bored
My mom told me to do chores
I like being bored

I chose this because it is witty and sarcastically amusing.

2nd: this was a set of three limericks and I admit I'm not bothered to copy them, but please click on the link because they did amuse me.

I chose The Farty Knight because it was the kind of humour that made me giggle with a bit of cheeky shame. Even the title got me cracking up!

Dear future husband
Your taking too long to reach
*looks in book* come out

This is a relatable humour and I like the unexpected turn.

Well, thanks again for participating! The next contest will be up soon so stick around (:

Feel free to request any contests you would like to see in future.

~ Phoenix Feather

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