Contest #44

812 33 63

Hello World!

You might've noticed that I, the reverential TimberWoolf, have been slacking off a teeny bit lately.

Where's the drama? Where's the flair? Most importantly, where's the promised comments?

I hope it pleases you that I am once again in good spirits – I resolve to take up drinking again – and things will go as good as they went a little while ago.

Until comes the time, here's our contest for this week:

We're doing another mix-n-match style contest, but we're exclusively focusing on character. Pick one prompt from each category, and go ahead and craft your story. Try and make as many of these prompts relevant to your plot, if you can.

The Way They Are:

Light and fluffy and sweet and kind, but also kinda weird and outright creepy when the weather is right.

Smart, contemplative, patient, powerful, and maybe, when they get flowers, really, really emotional.

The friendliest person you ever did meet, but absolutely scary whenever a certain somebody is involved.

(This one is my favourite) Nothing this person does makes any sense, but things always go their way.

Described as 'odd, emotionally distant, but one hell of a painter.'

Lover of trees and animals, keeper of the graves.

Cold, calculating, homicidal maniac, with crazy amounts of insecurities.

The Way They Talk:

Often misquotes common sayings.

Uses complicated words in convoluted ways.

Speaks exclusively in Iambic Tetrameter.

Doesn't speak at all.

Everything they says sounds like it should be in bold, italic and all-caps.

Loses their train of thought. A lot.

Refuses to say more than two words at a time.

Tells the absolute worst jokes, but gives the absolute best advice. Just, they can never time it right.

The Things They Love:

Completely covets what they believe to be a magical amulet.

Religiously adheres to the lessons we learned in 'Mean Girls' (or any other popular movie).

They'd take over the world for chocolate.

Nothing feels better than match-making.

They go out of their way to help snails, spiders and ants.

Fictional characters are sooooooooo romantic.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing, more fascinating than the marvels of the modern world.

Their Darkest Secrets:

Well, I can't tell you, because then I'd have to kill you.

What They Look Like:

Silver hair, Golden eyes, maybe a little plus size when you get the wrong angle.

Incredibly wiry but the most charming smile.

Lost a limb in an accident, but is a proud survivor.

Ghostly pale, perpetually tired, and somehow still completely irresistible.

WILDCARD (make your own by choosing a couple of these words and including them in your very own prompt!)

hates rain discover mud wound motorbikes wretched lowly end ahead fish typical gifted open swim drain guide reflect handy border terrify peaceful car rebel egg present modern committee tips door loss ban instinctive desire righteous innate yoke war loves

The Judgement Criteria (patent pending) this week will be how well you include these prompts in your plot, how easy your story is to read and how creative you get.

Additionally, I'll be introducing a new segment in the results which award the following trophies:

Most Poetic Way to Vomit (shout-out to OnlyKnownAsCOfficial who has already earned this badge of honour in a previous contest and who inspired this segment!)

Most Profound Quote

Funniest One-Liner

Sweetest Catchphrase

Cutest Companion

Nerdiest Reference

Saving The World One Story At A Time

Most Educational

Newcomer of the Week

Familiar Face

Community Paragon

Crowd Favourite

Outstanding Achievement in the Arts of Confusing TimberWoolf

Flattery Gets You Everywhere

The 'I Did Not See That Coming' Award

The 'I think you're cool as a person and this is completely biased of me but here, have shout-out' Award

The ' Making TimberWoolf Feel in a Funny Mood' Award

The Best Advice Award

... and pretty much whatever I feel like. Who knows, maybe if I have a jolt of inspiration I'll make stickers and we can wear them like badges of pride on our story covers. Who wouldn't want a "TimberWoolf's Top Ten Most Heartbreaking Scenes" declaration to welcome new readers? Lots of people, I suppose, but whatever.

And that, dear fellows, is it for this week. I look very much forward to your entries and I hope we all look forward to the Awards.

TimberWoolf out.

TimberWoolf back in.

Upon reflection, I think I let the weird mood I'm in get to me a bit. If you prefer, let me know and I'll refrain from writing these contests up so late at night. Maybe things will be more comprehensible then? Okay.

TimberWoolf out. Again.

Due date is on Sunday the 28th of April.


In order to ensure that your submission for this week's chapter of Weekly Wattpad Contests is valid, please follow the steps below:

(1) Write your entry and make sure that it meet the guidelines or requirements for the contest.

(2) Publish it in a book under your Wattpad account. It can be a book dedicated to your entries, a chapter in one of your existing books or just a book with that single entry.

(3) Add "This is my entry for Weekly Wattpad Contest #44" before you write your entry. Make sure Contests is tagged and the contest #number is correct. Note that this does not have to be the title of your published chapter or work, simply just a text input before the introduction of your contest entry as an additional safety measure.

(4) Comment in the comment section of this chapter and state where your entry was published in your profile and the title of it book it is in.

(5) Share the love by voting, commenting and encouraging friends and fellow competitors!

What does the winner get?

Apart from the fact that as a writer you can brag about winning a freaking Weekly Wattpad Contest, the winner will also get a follow from as well as a shoutout in the next chapter, in addition to that, a detailed review as to why your entry was successful will also be published and if you have any works of your own, that will also be read and commented on.

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