Mother's House of Horrors Part 3

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No more lightning, no more thunder, no more cries from the darkened sky.

No more cries of laughter or pain. No more masks, emotions to feign.

The cauldron boils, she hummed, grinning ear to ear.

"A pinch of betrayal, a cup of death - three more to twist the final breath."


The cauldron coughed.

"A little bit of malice, a touch of bitterness - the perfect recipe for a monster's happiness".

She bit her lip, something was missing.

Tapping her foot, she began to sing,

"Dissension there, chaos here, fall into despair, my reign is near".

"Stir the cauldron, stir it well! There's so much more in this tale to tell.

"Watch it simmer and boil!"

"A teaspoon of sugar can't make this sweet. A teaspoon of poison can't end this deed. A hint of pain, a flash of spite - a teaspoon of suffering to feed and fight."

That's what Mother loves.


These past two weeks have been interesting, very interesting. In all honesty, no one predicted that this would happen. A lot of you have written amazing entries and a lot of drama has happened so far. If predictions are right, the drama will only increase ten-fold, so watch out peeps!

Now as we enter the third phase of this contest, it is time to figure out which side you will choose. Will you heed the call of Mother? Or will you resist and fight back? Remember, it has to make sense considering your monster. So consider what makes the most sense, and then decide which side you shall choose.

My character, Latherna Demetria has a monster named Arachne. Ever since I've written chapter 2 of my entry, she and Mother had been at each others bones so I am definitely against. But, since Lat is attached to Dresden, and he is more likely than not going to join the side of Mother, it is very likely that Lat will join Mother as well for the sake of her lover.

But that's just me. I highly encourage everyone to start connecting with the other contestants as to better forge the connections that will come in handy as the countdown to the final arch ticks ever more quickly. For the sake of easier digestion, here is the table, meant to explain things more clearly to the participants.

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