Results and Contest #27

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Goooooood morning Competitors! (Cheeky Good Morning Vietnam reference) 

I have received a bucket load of Season Entries, and trust me, it was tough. I personally wouldn't be surprised if all of you entered! 

Now, enough of my rambling, it's time for the results.

3rd- Summer of striped tees, it wasn't descriptive, but still very very good, the characters were excellent. I think the way you portrayed the parents at the start was unique, imaginative and accurate. A great book! 

2nd- The Coldest Winter. I loved your technique to describe. Very affective. I enjoyed reading your story, well done!

1st- Anything Could Happen. I loved this one, the way you managed to find so many quotes which linked up to the story was excellent. 

Well done.Well done to everyone who entered! Just because I found it so hard to choose between all these amazing entries I decided to add in another honourable mention, can you blame me? All the entries were great! The mention is Autumn Leaves.

So, with the past contest done and dusted, are you all ready for the next one?This new contest, which I haven't seen done anywhere else before so it can't be done before, is called A Note In A Bottle.

Here it goes:Your main character is walking along a beach, when they see a note I'm a bottle, they read it.

 Anything can happen after then, they could find its a deep love confession, a plea for help or just gibberish. It's your choice.

Good luck! -Caitlin xx

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