Contest #49

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Hello world. For this week, we'll be doing a sort of follow up to our previous epic contest. We'll all be writing the same story again, but there is no story structure to follow this time. Below, you will see the categories CAST, LOCATIONS, and MODS. You can pick from each, and write your story to the outline in the backstory.

You can decide the plot of your story, and you can decide what the ultimate goal is.

While, usually, I prefer shorter pieces, I'm going to request that you make this piece longer and really flesh it out. Maybe even make two or three chapters. Really explore the narrative as you get into it.

I specifically want you to work on the following criteria:

Characterisation. Really make your characters unique, interesting, flawed, fun. Let them all have their desires, their goals, shortcomings and strengths.

Plot. I've provided some very basic plot fuel, so spend some time really getting into the details of your plot. How does it work, what makes it tick, what are the nitty-gritty details of your adventure.

What we've already practiced. Maybe now is a really good time to explore your particular philosophy in your stories. Maybe this is an opportunity to really build that fantasy world. Maybe the devil is in the details of character relationships. Work on your strengths.

Because I want us all to really work very hard on polishing these stories, I'm going to let this contest run for two weeks, which makes the due date 16 June. That also means that I'm expecting a lot of entries again, so judgement might take a while longer as well.

I'll release a small new weekly contest on 9 June which won't be judged again, just to keep anybody who doesn't want to participate this week busy.

Let's get down to it. We're going to be writing scenes from the same Narrative Universe. Our book is called 'The Daring and the Dead'. It's a sci-fi fantasy horror action story set in the future a little bit after the Zombie apocalypse happened.


The world has come to an abrupt end in the near future. Technology has made an incredible leap, but a lot of good that did when the dead decided to no longer be dead. Society crumbled, people lost their minds and their lives, and humanity regressed into a state of shock. There's been talk of people with marvellous abilities who are somewhat capable of defending people from the dead, but, as we all know, the real heroes are the ones who survive against the odds despite their lack of any special skills.

Main Cast (pick one Group):

Group 1 – The Heroes

Adelaide – A spritely young woman with a super optimistic outlook on life. She's not afraid of a challenge, and always takes her failures as an opportunity to improve. She's very active, and a good runner. Running is very important these days.

Lismore – A sweet little boy that wants to save the world. He's a little dirty, and maybe a little scrappy, but he has a heart of gold and is always ready to fight in order to protect his friends.

Isa – Darwin's sister. Smart, compassionate, and a bio-genetic engineer. She likes to look at the world as an interesting puzzle, and she's very careful about disturbing the pieces. She loves nature, and she'll spend the rest of her days trying to protect it.

Darwin – Isa's brother. He knows a lot more than he lets on, and he doesn't really let on much. He prefers jokes to philosophies, and doesn't have the energy to entertain moral ethics anymore.

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