Contest #40 Results

225 5 12

(A few authors shuffle into the room, looking around for any hint of life. A tall, ancient figure decked in red robes emerges from the shadows.)

Well, well, well. If it isn't our rag-tag team of co-authors. Fancy meeting you here.

Of course, I'd expect no less from the likes you. Go ahead, sit down. It's not like you can do much else while I dramatically monologue.

There we go. Comfortable? Good.

Now, where shall I begin? I've kept a close eye on your journeys throughout this wild adventure of yours. You've done some crazy things, some impeccably silly things, and I'm honestly impressed.

Now, of course, I'm left to decide which of you will join the ranks of my elite army of undeath authors, a task not suited to my particular desires or skills, but an obligation I must perform nonetheless.

As such, I've analysed your every move, ranked and scored and categorised and filed and started all over again.

All of you – all, I say! – have scored so closely, that first place seems to be a draw between three of you. Second place seems to be a draw between four of you. Third place seems to be a draw between six of you.

I've done it before, and nothing stops me from doing so again.

Except, that's hardly a sustainable model for competitive design of any type.

It is true, however, that the true winner here is the world upon which you have unleashed your craft. Take myself, as an example. I have no victory here, I have no monetary reward or artistic satisfaction from playing this role of adjudicator. What I do gain, on the contrary, is the same as anybody else who decides to read the gems of literature you have created – Adventure. Excitement. Meaning.

In the end of it all, when the final page is turned, and the book comes to a close, that is what we are left with, the Journey we have taken with the characters we loved and hated, the sights we've seen through the eyes of others, the understanding we've gained from the folly and the victories of our projections.

That is my reward: that je ne sais quoi of the arts and the community in which it is nurtured.

Because, whether you realise it or not, and whether you like it or not, you have been instrumental in building it. You've laid the bricks in this collective construction of a biblical tower which transcends our own limitations. You've given input into the colours of the rooms, the furnishings which decorate them, and the palace we all live in.

What we have is a remarkable achievement against which all other nations of our calibre must measure themselves. We might not have the most remarkable army, or the most immense populations or most incredible wealth, but what we do have is a unique and precious treasure of the collective.

The tower has been built, and all that is left for us to do is to furnish the entry hall, design the upper keep and embellish the tower. While I do invite the following among you, it is also my recommendation that you reach out to the others to collaborate on these.

First Place: BunkBedsAreCool with the contribution Angels & Bandits.

This is remarkable work in which the prompt was worked with so well, the characters were interesting and humorous, the story was clear and incorporated an abundant use of literary techniques, as well as bringing in that extra, particular uniqueness of the author's own creative designs. You are invited to contribute the closing chapter of the adventure .

The story is so well designed, and I my particular favourite part is how well the prompt was adhered to while elaborating on the overall adventure and the uniqueness of the characters at this period in their journey.

Second Place: Opaque_Aviations with the contribution The Dark Knight's Tomb.

This is exemplifies exceptional character work, and a really fun adventure that is absolutely genre appropriate. It serves to explore the relationships between the heroes of our Journey and is very well written.

This story isn't plot-centric. There is a plot, of course – a well written one – but the purpose of it, it seems to me, is to really elaborate on the character relationships and their place in their group, and their place in the overall world. They're heroes, dungeon delvers, adventurers who aren't afraid to get down and dirty and dangerous. They're a mismatched group who does what needs to be done. You are invited write the Epilogue.

Third Place: BLackmetalLyoko with the contribution The Bard and the Skeleton.

This displays wonderful character work and wonderful writing, as well as bringing that extra excitement to the prompt.

The story focuses on Ever and Ndawapeka, and this contribution really brings them to life with rich and complex relationships and in depth lore.

Also, there's a rap battle, and you're invited to write the first chapter, where our entire story begins.

Honourable Mentions:

EVERYBODY who participated this week. The stories were excellent, funny and I had so many good laughs, real feels, and my fair share of being creeped out.

There are still many open prompts, and anybody at all is invited to take one of them. There is still so much adventure to be had, and I want to take this journey with you.

Well, with this I leave you. You are released into the world you've created. I hope one day we cross paths again.

Final Note:

If you've not followed along, I'll ask @Contests add an external link to the reading list where all the stories are. Read them. It's one hell of an adventure. I'm not sure how well it works on mobile, so you can alternatively find it on my profile @TimberWoolf.

Here is the link:

The link should also be attached to this chapter below. 

Have fun y'alls.

I hope to hear from you soon.

(TimberWoolf makes a dramatic exit by leaping out of the open window, in a flutter of red robes and broken glass.)

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