Contest #46

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(It's a loading screen. You observe the picture - a fantastic landscape filled with dragons, beasts, heroes and villains while the machine purrs - and much too soon it's replaced by a cutscene. The story unfolds, the challenge to normal life initiates, and the hero's journey begins. But something strange happens, before you're allowed to take the reins and run off with the story: A character dressed in red and blue approaches and asks,

"Who are you?"

You think about it for a moment. You have an idea about who are, as a person. You know the things you like, and the things which annoy you. You are well aware of your name and your favourite colour, and maybe you should tell the character that. But you hesitate.

There's an unspoken challenge in the question, and perhaps you must address it. It seem undignifying, to ask who you are with such an air of uninterest, indifference. It implies that you have faults - which you must admit you do - that he's seen before, that you're just like every other player to ever play the game with him.

More than that, however, you suspect there's an invitation to opportunity. He's giving you the chance to think critically about your flaws and virtues, and he's giving you the gift of re-inventing yourself.

The question is, "Who are you?", but you know that what he really wants to know is,

"Who do you want to be?"

And, perhaps, you think, you should tell him that.)

Due date is on Sunday the 12th of May.


In order to ensure that your submission for this week's chapter of Weekly Wattpad Contests is valid, please follow the steps below:

(1) Write your entry and make sure that it meet the guidelines or requirements for the contest.

(2) Publish it in a book under your Wattpad account. It can be a book dedicated to your entries, a chapter in one of your existing books or just a book with that single entry.

(3) Add "This is my entry for Weekly Wattpad Contest #45" before you write your entry. Make sure Contests is tagged and the contest #number is correct. Note that this does not have to be the title of your published chapter or work, simply just a text input before the introduction of your contest entry as an additional safety measure.

(4) Comment in the comment section of this chapter and state where your entry was published in your profile and the title of it book it is in.

(5) Share the love by voting, commenting and encouraging friends and fellow competitors!

What does the winner get?

Apart from the fact that as a writer you can brag about winning a freaking Weekly Wattpad Contest, the winner will also get a follow from as well as a shoutout in the next chapter, in addition to that, a detailed review as to why your entry was successful will also be published and if you have any works of your own, that will also be read and commented on.

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