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The elevator doors released me from their embrace with a gentle ding. Stepping out, I reached into my bag, fingers navigating the familiar contours until my key card was in hand. Swiping it smoothly, I crossed the threshold into the haven I called home, the comforting scent of familiarity enveloping me.

"Hey, I'm home," I announced, my voice a tired but genuine echo. The lilt of voices led me to the heart of our sanctuary – the bustling kitchen. Amidst the friendly cacophony, my closest friends were engaged in a spirited debate, their laughter and banter filling the air.

Hannah and Akira seemed to be at odds with Ava over a topic that didn't quite register as I entered the scene. Ambi, on the other hand, observed the verbal jousting with an air of detached amusement.

"Ambi," I purred playfully, drawn to her open arms like a moth to a flame. Setting my groceries on the expansive marble island, I shared warm hugs and affectionate kisses with each of my companions before sinking into the embrace of my confidante. Her scent was a balm, momentarily erasing the stresses of the day.

The others referred to me as "llyssa," a truncation of Allyssa that felt intimate, a term of endearment exclusively reserved for our tight-knit circle.

My gaze shifted around the room, taking in the warm familiarity of our shared space. Home was more than just a physical place – it was the people, the laughter, and the comfort we found in each other's company.

Ambi's inquiry cut through the chatter, her eyes dancing with mischief as she broached the topic of my workday. A grin played at the corner of my lips, weary lines momentarily forgotten.

"I'm afraid the medical ethics code forbids hot patient pursuits," I quipped, attempting to sound authoritative despite my exhaustion.

The conversation veered into my upcoming twenty-fifth birthday, a surprise they had meticulously orchestrated. I watched their faces, a kaleidoscope of emotions – excitement, mischief, and camaraderie. Their surprise revealed, I surrendered, a smile tugging at my lips.

My stern facade cracked, giving way to a playful plea. "Just promise me, before we dive into luxury, we'll sound the financial alarm. Our collective debt should remain a tale whispered in shadows."

A chorus of agreement and mock-horrified reactions filled the room, punctuated by Ava's nonchalant "Hakuna Matata," as she took a sip of her wine. As Ambi led the way to the living room, I followed, the weight of the week gradually lifting.

Perched on the couch, the night unfurled before us like a tapestry of shared moments. Our laughter melded with the melodies of the television, and the hours slipped away, a testament to the strength of our bonds.

Huddled on the couch, vampire diaries played out on screen, punctuated by Ava's vivid imagination. Her musings danced between outrageous and hilarious, eliciting both fits of giggles and good-natured eye rolls.

"Okay, Ava, we got the picture!" Akira interjected with a mix of exasperation and amusement, saving us from a detailed glimpse into Ava's erotic fantasies.

A glance at the clock revealed that the night was advancing, a reminder that the embrace of sleep beckoned. With a collective yawn and a shared sense of contentment, we parted ways, carried by the promise of dreams, friendship, and a tomorrow that held endless possibilities.

"I need to head home and pack my suitcase for my flight tomorrow. This conversation doesn't look like it's ending anytime soon. Please tell Hannah that dinner was lovely, as always," she said, finishing her water.

Ava and I exchanged tipsy glances, both of us trying, and failing, to stand up. The night had taken its toll on our equilibrium.

"We'll walk you to your car, babe," I insisted, my words slurring as I struggled to stand.

Amidst our stumbling attempts, Akira pushed back. "Oh no, you don't need to. Besides, this place has the best security in the city. Even the parking lots are under 24/7 surveillance with cameras and guards. I'll be just fine."

"At least let us accompany you to the lobby, please," Ava implored, finally gaining her balance.

Akira chuckled. "How about you walk me to the elevator? I'm not sure you'll make it any further."

I took her offer as a victory. "Deal."

She smiled and stepped outside, and we trailed after her like slightly tipsy puppies. Ambi and Hannah had retired for the night about fifty minutes ago.

"I must say, I'm impressed. You made it to the elevator without tumbling over each other, guys," Akira teased, pressing the button to call the elevator.

While we waited, we chatted amiably, the elevator's opening breaking our conversation. To our surprise, the lone occupant was none other than Mr. Hernandez. He glanced up from his phone, dressed in the same sleek all-black suit, his hair slightly more ruffled than earlier.

"Miss Harper, Miss Carter," he greeted us with a polite smile, offering a slight bow of his head and a hand over his chest.

"Going down, Miss Campbell?" he inquired, turning his attention to Akira.

"Yes, and I'll see you guys in a month try not to miss me ", Akira turns to us. I notice Alessio look up from his phone and picks interest in our conversation.

I exchanged a silent glance with Akira, hugging her tightly before she entered the elevator, standing just behind Alessio.

"Don't even think about trying anything funny with her. I'm a lawyer, and I'll have no issue putting your ass in jail," Ava pointed a finger at Alessio, her tone stern.

"I assure you, Miss Carter, I'll be on my best behaviour," Alessio responded, stepping forward to press the button for the desired floor. With a nod and a slight smile, he closed the elevator doors.

As the doors sealed shut, Akira waved to us, and we headed back into our apartment. Goodnights were exchanged, and I soon found myself alone in the shower, the warm water cascading over me, in an attempt to wash away the remnants of the evening.

After brushing my teeth, I slipped into bed, the events of the night swirling through my mind. But amidst all the thoughts, one figure dominated my consciousness – William Henderson.

He's so fucking hot.


My darling Allyssaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें