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I pace back and forth outside the OR, the surgeon's words echoing in my mind. Critical condition. Blood loss. Head trauma.Multiple organ damage. The next thirty-six hours are crucial. It feels like time has slowed down, and every second without knowing how Allyssa is doing is agonising.

Finally, a nurse comes out and tells me I can see her. My heart races as I walk into the ICU, and there she is, lying unconscious on the bed, hooked up to various machines. She looks so fragile, so vulnerable, and it breaks my heart.

I sit by Allyssa's side, my heart heavy with the weight of my emotions. "If you die, I'm going to euthanize Willow and Artemis," I threaten.

"Darling, I'd rather you hate me than be dead. I can't imagine a world without you."

The room falls into a hushed silence as I pour out my heart to her, hoping against hope that she can hear me, that my words will reach her soul. I feel the weight of my mistakes and the consequences of my actions, and I would give anything to turn back time and do things differently.

The machines beep, and monitors flicker, tracking every heartbeat and breath. I watch her chest rise and fall, praying for each breath to be a sign of life returning.

"My darling Allyssa," I take her hand in mine and kiss it multiple times.

"I love you. I have always loved you. I'm in love with you. I have loved you since I first saw you in that elevator. I have loved you through every fake date, every kiss, every hug, everything; they were never fake, it was all real." I confess and realize I'm crying.

"You are the essence of my being, the very reason I exist. Please come back to me. I promise I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you." I get up and kiss her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks, and finally her lips and wipe my tears.

"Llyssa, oh my God" Akira sobs as she bolts into the room and the rest follow, I can't look them in the eyes as I explain what happened.

"Please forgive me," I utter, and the moment I finish that statement, Ava slaps me and bangs her fists against my chest, but I catch them. She shoves me towards the door, but my feet barely move an inch.

"Leave! This is all your fault! Leave, we don't want you here!" she cries out, and I look around to see the others looking at me with hostility.

Feeling defeated, I leave the room and pull out my phone, calling Brian. "Sir?"

"Allyssa's been in an accident," I state, I hear him gasp.

"I need about thirty NDAs and good lawyers. Contact Nicole Carter's firm; they should be able to provide them the fastest and make sure the press is kept in the dark not a single article about this. Double the security outside Allyssa's room and the hospital. Cancel all in-person meetings, either Christian Knight or Alexander Kishimoto will step in for me, for the next few days."

I leave the hospital and drive back to what used to be our home, but now it feels empty and lifeless without her presence. I sit in the driveway for about an hour, trying to gather my thoughts before I decide to enter the house.

Everything around me reminds me of her—the scent of her perfume lingers in the air, and her laughter seems to echo through the walls. I see her hair bands on every doorknob I glance at, and each one is a painful reminder of her absence.

I eventually find myself standing at the entrance of our bedroom, but I can't bring myself to go in. It's too much to bear, the memories of us are playing out like I'm watching some kind of movie - I can't sleep in here. I retreat to a guest bedroom and take a long, hot shower, trying to wash away the blood and the pain.

My darling AllyssaWhere stories live. Discover now