Perphaps Addiction

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It had been three weeks since the encounter with Allyssa Harper. Three weeks of restless nights and an incessant need that refused to be sated. Her perfume, vanilla, was now a constant reminder of her presence, a scent that had inexplicably become synonymous with desire.

Vanilla used to be unremarkable, a simple fragrance. But now, it was an intoxicating spell, ensnaring my senses and taunting me with memories I had no right to claim.

I battled sleepless nights, her image etched in my mind. Those soft curls, those challenging eyes – they haunted me.

"William, pass me that sushi bowl, would you, dear?" Nicole's voice pulled me from my thoughts. I handed her the bowl, trying to focus on the dinner at hand.

Walter, Helen's husband, was busy reprimanding Noah about his sugar intake, "I had a little bit of Helen's cake Walter, I have no idea why everyone is attacking me", he sighs finishing the dessert before anyone could have some including me.

Christian was being scolded by his mother about something I couldn't quite make up but something about a thirty-five-year-old man being scolded by his mother was amusing to me.

"Are any of you gentlemen seeing someone?" Nicole's question was almost routine now, a recurring inquiry every time we dined together.

The simultaneous chorus of "No" escaped our lips, prompting Walter to rub his chin thoughtfully, an enigmatic smile playing on his lips.

"Interesting," Helen mused, exchanging a knowing glance with Nicole. The way they looked at each other was enough to raise suspicions.

"What's that supposed to mean" Alex responds adjusting in his seat.

"Oh, nothing" Helen replies shrugging.

"It can't be nothing if you said that", Noah replies passing his plate to the chef who was clearing the table.

"Just say what's on your mind already," Christian says throwing his head back

"Oh no never mind" Nicole rolls her eyes and takes another sip of her wine.

Helen's eyes sparkled with amusement as she leaned back in her chair. "Well, it's just funny, isn't it? Four successful, eligible bachelors still gallivanting around town without a hint of commitment."

A chorus of sighs filled the air, and I adjusted my glasses, the conversation veering into familiar territory.

Christian groaned, shaking his head. "Here we go again."

"Excuse me I have a meeting in a few minutes, we'll continue this conversation later", Walter says kissing Helen and getting up to leave.

Luckily enough for me, my phone rings and I fish for it in my coat but as I put it to the phone my ear. Helen narrows her eyes at me

"I'm in a meeting I'll call you back "

"Good as I was saying you boys need to settle down your too old for the playboy nonsense we've entertained it for too long" She finishes as I roll my eyes.

We sit through the whole settling-down talk occasionally exchanging glances before they finally drop the topic.

"Ooh my goodness look at the time you boys should get going it's getting late and wouldn't want to distract four billionaires from their work.", Nicole says getting up

She's right we should get going it's late. I put on my trench coat before Helen pulls me aside for a chat.

"Walter told me he heard from a friend of your uncles that you're seeing someone is it true?

Before I can respond I hear the sound of glass shattering on the floor, we walk towards the kitchen and find Noah with a rather nasty cut on his hand.

"Tu vas être la mort de moi, ma chère", Nicole finally breaks the silence. I offer her a seat to prevent her from falling down.

She usually spoke French when she was frustrated or when one of us did something stupid.

"Je vais bien, maman. C'est juste une petite coupure."He responds in a strained voice, he's clearly in pain.


"Je vais l'emmener à l'hôpital Helen ne t'inquiète pas,"Alex offers.

"Vous devriez tous les quatre l'accompagner et vous assurer qu'il ne se blesse plus, oui ?", Helen whispers.

"Bien sûr, nous allons maman. Bonsoir", Christian replies giving his mum a kiss on the cheek. I get in the driver's seat Christian hopes in the front with me, and Alex and Noah take the back


"Why is there so much security over there here, who is it ?" I ask Hundley one of the other ER nurses.

"I don't know the bodyguards won't let us in, they only want a doctor " She replies handing me a tray of medical equipment and a fresh pair of gloves.

Oh for God's sake

I walk over there and attempt to step in when one of the bodyguards stops me in my tracks.

"I'm supposed to give whoever your guarding stitches I can't do that if you don't let me in big guy, can I now?" I cross my arms and tilt my head smiling at him.

This guy is huge! what is he 6'6???

He steps aside and I walk in looking at the chart."Alright, Mr Scott let's see that nasty cut"

However, as I glance up from the chart, the words die on my lips. Seated on the bed is Noah Scott, flanked by Alexander and Christian. And leaning against the wall, surveying me with that intense gaze is William.

"Miss Harper, or shall I say, Dr Harper, we meet again. Don't worry, this time William is on his best behaviour," Noah breaks the silence, his gaze shifting towards William.

Ignoring the collective scrutiny, I introduce myself and set about my work, maintaining professionalism despite the four pairs of eyes fixed on me.

"I'd like for him to be taken care of in a private suite," Mr Henderson interjects, his tone and demeanour irking me. I ignore him and proceed with cleaning and stitching Noah's wound, trying to ignore the smirks exchanged by his friends.

With the procedure complete, I wrap his hand and provide aftercare instructions. Fending off their inquiries, I assert, "If you experience any complications, I'm sure you have a more qualified private doctor to assist you, Mr Scott. Have a good night, gentlemen."

I dispose of them in the bin trying to ignore William, I can feel his eyes on every inch of my body I lift my head and I feel like he just sniffed my perfume as I left.

I step out my head straight into the changing room and catch my breath. I pick up my bag and say goodbye and head straight to my car .

My darling AllyssaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu