Father dearest

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TW- violence, physical assault and murder - please skip if you're triggered

"Well, are you going to let us in, sweetie?" my father and stepmother, Benedict and Clara Harper stood in front of me with hopeful expressions, eagerly awaiting my response.

how did they find me?

Seven years ago, I told my father that I wouldn't do politics at Duke University, and my mother also filed for divorce that very night because she was fed up with his affair with her best friend Clara Shephard.

Little did we know, this move would have serious repercussions. My father had a temper, and he wasn't afraid to express it, but usually, he had a limit and he never crossed a certain line.

However, that night, he was so filled with rage that he took my mother's life and beat me to a pulp. He disowned me, stating that I had not respected him and had taken his name and services for granted. I was only eighteen and scared, unable to defend myself or fight back against his wrath. I felt helpless and afraid, not knowing what the future would hold.

He chased me around the house with a knife, grazing my thigh, but I was determined to survive. I managed to escape and seek refuge at Ambi's, despite the fact that my father was determined to make me pay for my defiance. I was scared, but I was determined to make it out alive.

There are times I go to bed and I can still hear the events of that night, echoing in my mind like a never-ending nightmare.

"Run Allyssa, run my baby please!" my mother screamed at me as my father stabbed her repeatedly. I was frozen in fear, unable to move, cowering under the desk.

He was so angry that I could barely recognise him, his eyes were blood red, the vein on his temple was prominent, and his hands were covered in blood. He kept screaming and telling us that we were his, never slowing the pace of his stabbings.

She kept screaming until my father stabbed her in the neck and she stopped. My vision went blurry and I began to shuffle and run to the nearest door, but my father grabbed me and slammed me onto the floor, punching, slapping and kicking me in the face and stomach multiple times. I was wearing a white crop top, jeans and Converse I felt every punch, slap and kick.

I kicked him in the groin and he fell next to me. I got up, but he grabbed my leg and stabbed it. I fell to the ground in pain, but I managed to kick him in the face and grab my keys before I ran to the door.


My heart raced as I heard my father's voice bellow from the house. I knew I had to make a decision, and fast. I could either stay and face the consequences or take a chance and run. I chose the latter.

"GET BACK HERE ALLYSSA NOW! DON'T YOU DARE RUN FROM ME! GET BACK HERE!" I ignored him and ran out of the house, jumping on my scooter and driving to my nearest friend's house Which was Ambi's the rest was such a blur I remember it in bits

My father wasn't arrested because he made the outrageous claim that my mother and I were on drugs and that she had injured both of us, even ending up taking her own life. The truth is, my mother and I never took drugs.

It was my father who was the one taking them day in and day out. But when they tested my mother's body they found cocaine in it. My father lost me and got a light sentence of 2 years in jail.

When he was released from prison, he never sought me out nor made any attempt to contact me. I assumed he was keeping his promise, as he was a statesman not a word of his arrest ever reached the public.

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